Chapter 6: The Charge

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Part 2: Nineteen, Rebuilding the World

Chapter 6: The Charge

Kakashi stood looking up at the stone faces of the former Hokages. Next to Lady Tsunade's, his own face looked back at him. It was finally completed. It had taken two years, but the masons had all done their part to make sure that it was finished as quickly as they could. He was grateful for all their efforts. The walls defending Konoha were finally secure, and no rubble was left in the village streets. In fact, the village was actually expanding.

He smiled ruefully as he found himself watching his feet slowly walk back and forth the stone floor. So, he thought, he was picking up the same habits of the previous Hokages—especially The Third's, who'd liked pacing out in the balcony above the tower, smoking his pipe and gazing at the faces on the mountain. And now the sixth one was doing the same thing, prowling outside, waiting for the arrival of his shinobi.

Kakashi didn't turn around, but he felt the presence that had slipped into the space.

"Don't wait on my account," he called out to Shikamaru, hovering by the entrance.

"I tried to be quiet. I figured you were still thinking," Shikamaru said.

"I was. But I'm done now."

"Should we use the office?"

Still with his back to Shikamaru, Kakashi said, "No, bring everyone here. Let's use this space. The office might get cramped."

Shikamaru grinned. "Sounds good."

They were there, ten members: Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Sakura, Sai, Lee, and Tenten.

Kakashi stood looking at them, older now, the weight of maturity settling into their faces. They'd been instrumental in the re-building of Konoha. He'd kept them busy, sending everyone within their lands to assess and take care of village business. Now that those missions were done, there were more things to do, more things to help secure the future.

"Thank you for coming," he said. He didn't know it, but he cut a very impressive figure as he faced all of them. His silver hair was cropped a little bit shorter than usual, the dark flak jacket he wore was austere, making him look more formidable. Behind him, the faces of the Hokages peered down at them, imposing, but also encouraging.

The young ninjas stood at attention, knowing what he was going to say was very important.

"I wanted to talk to you all before I speak with Naruto, that's why we're doing this separately. He's going to be handled with care."

There were a couple of smirks, some snorting, a loud guffaw, and then Hinata's gentle voice admonishing a brash character with "Kiba!"

Kakashi's eyes suddenly twinkled. He continued, "I've chosen all of you because I didn't miss the fact that during the war, when Naruto had been fighting the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, it was all of you that he called on for help."

They were surprised, but the mood immediately became solemn. They looked at each other and the memories came flooding back: Naruto cloaking them in his Nine-tails chakra, calling to them in his mind, asking for their help, giving each of them a rasengan to help pull out the tailed beasts that had been trapped within Obito's control.

Good, Kakashi thought as he looked at their expressions.

"When Naruto eventually becomes Hokage, he's going to need that help again. You will help guide him on the path to secure the future of Konoha and its citizens."

Smiles greeted his declaration.

"Konoha has been rebuilt, but you all know that our world isn't only about this village. We're part of something bigger beyond our land."

Everyone nodded and Kakashi could see in their eyes a glimmer of understanding, of what he was going to ask them to do from here on out.

"We're now entering a new phase of our peace. Right now, our peace is still fragile. It's at a delicate stage. One keg, one spark can ruin it all and embroil us in another war. I don't need to remind you how horrible that would be."

Involuntarily, several glances strayed past the Hokage and turned in the direction of the Konoha cemetery.

Kakashi acknowledged it with a nod.

"I know it will be hard, but I am asking you to leave Konoha for months at a time. I want you to go out and travel, to visit the other villages to promote peace and build stronger relationships among our peoples. You'll learn that there is difficulty in trying to stay together when that one common cause is taken away. Yes, we all formed an Alliance to fight against a common enemy during the war, but what's keeping us all united now?"

The shinobi were quiet, letting his words settle in their minds and hearts. They were already imagining themselves setting foot away from their beloved home.

"I want you to find out that unifying reason."

He glanced briefly at Sakura and Sai, former members of Team Seven, who met his eyes, before continuing, "Sasuke has already started and it's been his way to ask for forgiveness from the people he's wronged. It's his way to atone for his sins. While you all don't have anything to atone for, I want you to continue dealing with the old hurts and grievances that simmer just below the surface of this peace. I leave you this responsibility."

He glanced at Shikamaru, who nodded back at him. "Shikamaru and I have already talked to the kages from the other villages. We're all firm in our belief that it's in everyone's best interest to mingle our people. As you travel to these far-flung places, others will also come to Konoha. This will also be part of your missions, to deal with different people bringing different ideas into our community."

The shinobi were quiet, understanding and accepting the responsibility that the Hokage had laid upon their feet.

Lee and Sai looked at each other, thinking of a possible problem that might come up. Sai raised a hand, "Sir?" he said.

"Ah, Sai," Kakashi said, a flicker of a smile in his eyes.

"I'm going to forestall your question. Don't worry about Konoha being left defenseless in your absence. No one will attack Konoha because I am here," Kakashi said, his voice implacable, hard and unyielding, confidence oozing out of every syllable.

Sai smiled, Lee nodded.

"I am Hokage," Kakashi said simply. "My place is here and I will give my life to protect Konoha from enemy attack. You, my masterful shinobi, I am entrusting all of you to nourish the peace we've built so there won't ever be a reason to defend her."

It was a duty they all took to heart.

And so they had left Konoha for various reasons and different stages, traveling to distant lands only to come back occasionally to The Leaf to appreciate their village for what it was: a safe haven, their home.

Kakashi, in his infinite wisdom, had known, of course. His past had been fought on grounds far away from his beloved home and he'd known that they would learn to appreciate the comforts of the familiar while being exposed to the unknown. They'd all learned what they could, helped secure the peace that they had all fought for, built connections that strengthened relationships among the different villagers and villages, and all while utilizing skills unique to themselves. But by far, the biggest effect of these missions had been on Naruto and Hinata.

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