Chapter 17

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Ava and Steele sat in the office trying to figure out a way of attack, Steele just wanted to charge in and kill anyone who attacked, typical Alpha male. Ava however, wanted to convince people, get them to change over to their side, but Steele wasn't having it, not again.

"No" he growls out "Look what happened the last time you tried to 'talk' to them, it's not happening".

Ava huffs "The only reason everything went wrong was you coming out of the woods before you should have done and me deciding to surprise myself by changing into a Lycan" she says.

Steele rolls his eyes, they weren't the reasons, but she was just as stubborn as he was.

Sighing Ava stands up and stretches, the shirt she was wearing raising to mid-thigh. Steele's eyes followed the shirt rising and Ava noticed "Nice to know someone wants to look at me that way for once" she says with a hint of sadness in her tone.

Steele looks up to her, but she was already turning and walking away "Where are you going?" he asks.

Opening the door, her turns back to look at him "To take a break, we've been at this for hours, you should too, we aren't getting anywhere at the moment anyway" she says and leaves him.

Heading into the living room she sees Nathan sat watching television with Rose on his lap playing with a toy Ava didn't recognise.

Flynn was sat on another couch stuffing his face, eyes glued to the television and Leo sat beside him, looking right at Rose and carried a longing look.

He was doing what Ava asked of him, but she could see that it was killing him.

Rose was the first one to spot Ava in the room and her face lit up, Leo followed her direction and looked at Ava "Thought you were going at it upstairs?" he asks with a smirk.

Ava rolled her eyes and walked to Rose who was reaching out for her "Steele and I were in the office discussing the high council issue, I needed a break and so does he" she says, but doubted he would come out until he found a solution.

Leo and Flynn glanced her way at the mention of a discussion, Steele doesn't discuss anything with anyone, not even his Beta and lead scout.

Ava walked around the couch, Rose in her arms and sits down with her on Ava's lap. She was closer to Leo and that had him smiling.

"Where did the toy come from?" Ava asked.

"I ran out and got her it, along with a teddy for her to sleep with" Leo says as if it was nothing big.

Ava smiled "She's only three and you're whipped".

Leo rolls his eyes, "I would feel better if she would let me hold her" he mutters.

Ava smiles, "She will come around, you just have to give her time to adjust to new people, she doesn't feel the pull yet".

He nods his head, he knew she was right, but that wasn't going to make him feel any better than he was right now.

Ava played with Rose and Leo watched over them with loving eyes.

Half an hour later and footsteps were heard "Who else is in this house?" Ava asks.

"Alpha, Beta which is Flynn and lead Scout, which is me, we used to have the head warrior living here too, but Flynn now runs the warriors" Leo says straight away without blinking.

Ava nods, "So this isn't the pack house" she state out loud confirming her thoughts.

Leo nods "Yeah, the pack house is next door, Steele didn't want all the young wolves about the place, he gets annoyed easily" chuckling at the last incident which had Steele get the building for him to live in done.

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