Chapter 15

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Steele had all his men back at the camp and away from the pack borders, "What the hell man?" Flynn asked when Steele joined him back at the camp.

He couldn't understand why he didn't just call the warriors to come in and attack, instead they were running away like cowards.

"Where's Drew?" he spat through gritted teeth, pissed that he didn't get to exact his revenge.

Drew came running out of the group wide eyed that the girl was in pain yet again.

"What is going on?" Steele bellows. He has barely known his mate, and most of the time she was in pain or unconscious from the pain. This wasn't anything to do with him, nor did he feel anything from her, marked or not, since they have met, he would feel her pain and would understand part of what was happening to her, even if he didn't fully understand it.

Drew nervously scanned the girl in his Alpha's arms, but he hadn't a clue what to tell him.

But he never got the chance to say anything as Ava let out a cry that had every wolf covering their ears to block out the sound.

Steele closed his eyes in pain but kept a hold of Ava.

Her hands grip his bicep, Steele watched as her face is showing nothing but pain, then he himself is growling in pain.

He looks down to his arm and finds Ava's nails morphing into claws and Drew gasps, "That's impossible. You need to get away now" Drew says.

Steele remained where he was, Flynn had to pull him away with much reluctance by his Alpha. He didn't like being forced away from his mate

He watched being held back by Flynn and other warriors as Ava rolled around in pain, her nails getting longer and when she opened her mouth to scream a howl broke through. Her teeth elongating.

"What is happening to her?" Steele demands to know.

"She's, she's..." Drew couldn't say it. He couldn't because he didn't believe it himself.

Ava suddenly stops moving and everyone around watching held their breath.

Steele was about to move to her when her eyes suddenly open and he inhales quickly.

The Rogue Alpha looked at his mate in shock and awe, her glowing purple eyes darting around.

"That is impossible" he says in a whisper, his eyes never turning away from Ava

Steele moved towards Ava, but she jumps back in fear. A snarl rip through her throat; fangs on full display for everyone to see. Steele lowered his head in submission like everyone else in camp. That truly confirmed what was in front of him. Only one creature, aside from the high council could make an Alpha bow in submission.

"Ava" Steele speaks with a soft tone, his voice even shocked his Beta. Steele was never one to use a soft voice.

The heavy breathing of the girl in front of him calms down slightly.

Steele crouches down so he was in front of Ava and not towering above her. He didn't want her fearing him, she could lash out and seriously injure someone.

She growls as a warning, but Steele doesn't back down, it was the only way he knew to get her to focus on the situation. Reaching forward he places a hand on her thigh.

She was about to snap at him, but the tingling sensation enveloped her, and she was back in control of whatever she was doing, her eyes no longer purple and her teeth and claws retract.

Ava continues to breathe heavily but tears comes to her eyes, she had no idea what was happening.

When she locks eyes with Steele, she instantly feels calm and leaps into his hold. He may be angry, and they weren't close yet, but he was the only one she could trust, and he was her mate.

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