Chapter 9

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More scouts arrived back at camp and reported to Beta Flynn about what they saw.

Second in charge then went to the Alpha to pass on the message.

"In one week, the high council will be at the Snow Stone Pack for the games".

His callous laugh rung throughout the tent; Flynn remained silent as he waited for his old friend to finish laughing.

He knew of the things he went through as a boy and it made him what he was now, but hearing that laugh gave Flynn an unnerving feeling that made him want to curl up in fear.

They had never been a part of the games, their pack a rogue pack for thirty years, all those that lived now had never seen a pack game.

The old alpha and Beta weren't the only ones who died that year. Those who died didn't follow the rules of the new Alpha, some managed to escape and now live their lives in other packs or as rogues.

"Looks like we finally get an audience with the high council" he says.

It was time to put an end to the control that the council have over all the packs across America.

"Steele are you sure this is a good idea, they are going to have guards everywhere and one sniff of our scent and were all dead, we may be the largest pack in America, but all other packs combined and were dead which is exactly what the council want" Flynn questioned.

He knew where his friend was coming from, when they found his mother's secret journals when they were teens it was what prompted all of this, it was years of planning in the making and now they were inches from the final steps.

"They are killers, the murdered half of our pack, including a lineage of my family, I will not rest until they are taken down" he roared.

Flynn sighed, "I'm not going to convince you, otherwise am I?" the best thing he could do was to help his friend and keep him from getting himself killed or anyone else in the pack.

"No, but I need you to do something, well Leo, I want that girl" Steele says.

Not only did he want to find out about the scent of the girl, but she was also a potential entry point into the games.

Flynn nodded, "I'll speak to Leo right away".

With that Flynn left to the tent to speak to his brother, this wasn't one to message over mind link.

Leo was in the scouting tent filling in maps from his times out searching the area.

"Hey Flynn" Leo says not looking up from the map in front of him.

Leo was a specialist scout for the Lycan Shadow Pack, his task was to memorise the land and when back at camp complete the maps with the terrain and knowledge of pack borders.

He was one of only five pack members who tracked land and pack boarders. If it weren't for them Steele would send his pack into places where many of them will reach their end because they weren't prepared.

"Steele wants you to find the girl Lily, or whatever her name was" Flynn informs his little brother.

Leo stops mapping out the pages and looks up to his brother "Lavender?".

Flynn nods "Yeah sure here, he wants you to find her like now".

Leo looks at his brother with creased brows, "You don't think he wants me to find her again because she might be his mate".

Flynn tips his head backwards and laughs, there was no way Steele had a mate out there. Not now anyway. At twenty-four, his mate was likely dead or didn't exist. Not that he cared, Steele had his mind on his pack and nothing else, women were a pawn for his sexual desires whenever he wanted them and that was it.

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