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"Do you think it's gonna work?" Brooklyn looked up at Bernice with hopeful eyes. Bernice paced the living room floor with one hand on her hip and the other on her forehead.

"You're one bold ass person." Brooklyn put on a nervous smile as she spun around on the island chair. She just finished running down her plan to teach Chris a tiny little lesson. She didn't want it to have to come down to this but she's tried everything and this was the last resort.

"I mean I could do him a lot worse. He's lucky this is all I'm planning to do." Bernice shook her head, walking over by Brooklyn and hopping on the island in front of her.

"Anyways chile cause this is honestly a whole lotta whole lotta. What was this about y'all fucking and please tell me you made sure you ain't get trapped again." Brooklyn giggled and looked down, pushing her hair behind her right ear.

"I brought the twins over and it just happened. I wasn't planning to but then I thought of this little idea and decided to just do it. don't know how good it felt to fuck without my big ass stomach. I was finally able to get my back blown forreal forreal." Bernice twisted her face in disgust and let out a gag.

"You two make me sick." Brooklyn grabbed the big bag of Doritos to the left of her. She popped open the bag, sticking her hand in while leaning back.

"We've been having sex for the past couple of weeks since that night. He's been trying to ease his way back into a relationship but I've basically dodged the conversation each time." Bernice raised an eyebrow at Brooklyn, sticking her hand in the bag of chips to get a handful herself.

"So you've been leading him on to basically break his heart?" Brooklyn paused before deviously smiling and nodding her head.

"It sounds kind of bad when you put it like that, but I want him to feel what I feel. This isn't even all that I could do. He's lucky that I'm sparing his feelings and not accepting a relationship with him while- I have an idea." Bernice threw her head back and groaned. Since she got here this morning, Brooklyn and her ideas weren't anything good.

"What is it now?" Brooklyn stood up, walking over to grab her phone from the living room couch. She walked back over by Bernice with her head buried in her messages.

"The other day I went to that little cafe around the corner and I ran into one of my friends from high school or whatever. He's gay but when we were in high school he used to be messy as hell and one time he pretended like he was my boyfriend for these little niggas that had a crush on me or whatever. So why don't I call him and go back to our high school days for just a couple hours...." Bernice's mouth dropped and she placed her head in her hands, gripping her hair in both hands.

"This nigga about to kill you." Brooklyn held her finger up, shaking her head.

"He isn't even my boyfriend, the hell he finna be all mad for? Like I done said, I could do him much worse than I'm planning to." Bernice bit down on her bottom lip and nodded. She stood up, doing a big stretch with a little shake at the end.

"Well I'm gonna go get my God babies while you figure out everything." Brooklyn responded with a simple 'ok' before making sure all of the baby bottles were packed up in their bags.

"Get the fussy one please because I don't have time for him." Brooklyn sighed, jogging upstairs to get Malachi. He seemed to be the one to always be moody or have an attitude about something. His brother on the other hand was always smiling and happy unless his diaper was full or if he just woke up.

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