Chapter 1

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Yes, I started another Belldom
story and yes, I am addicted. But I had this idea and had to write it down.

Also this story kinda sucks, but I'm having fun writing it soooo

I hope you have fun reading it :)


P.o.v. Dom

I slammed the door of my locker shut. The bell already rang the first time and I ran together with a stream of other students to my class. Then someone pushed me from behind and I fell on the floor. I heard laughter. “Why do you always kiss the floor Howard?” Of course it was Chris and his stupid friend Tom. They bullied me ever since I came to this school as a new student. I sighted and collected all my stuff from the floor. And of course they had to be in the same class as me. Right as I stepped into the classroom the final bell rang. “That was a close one Dominic.”, said the teacher. “Yeah sorry, I was… a bit late this morning.”, I said and silently headed to my seat in the back. I didn’t make any friends since I came here a few months ago. Okay maybe I could call Morgan a friend, he always had been nice to me and was the only person, apart from my bullies, who gave me some attention. But in fact, he always was nice to everyone, even to the assholes. So I’m nothing special. I rested my head on my desk and stared at the whiteboard, where the teacher tried to explain some math problem. I long stopped listening. Instead, the boy in the front caught my eye again. I’d really like to be friends with him. He always had the best grades in our class, played in the school band and was funny and quite pretty. But he was the popular kid in the school. So Chris and Tom always hanged out with him too. And probably every girl in the school ate lunch at his table. I sighted. Matthew Bellamy… what a cute name. It rolled so nicely on your tongue. He also always dyed his hair in some crazy way, too bad I have a thing for that. Today he came with blue. And it wonderfully matched his electric blue eyes. “Dominic! I’m sure you know!”, suddenly said the teacher. My head dashed up. Everyone stared at me. Of course I didn’t pay attention. “Uh… no… I don’t know.”, I said, looking down at my desk. “Please pay attention.”, said the teacher and asked another student for the answer. Chris gave me a mean grin and I just rolled my eyes. Then I noticed that Matthew was still looking at me. My heartbeat became faster and I felt heat rise in my cheeks, so I quickly looked away.

Finally, it was lunchtime. I quickly packed all my things and went outside to my secret spot, where I can eat in peace, without being bothered by Chris or the others. The spot was a nice little bench, hidden inside some bushes. Even if a person was sitting on it, you’d have to look very closely to see, that something was there. I sat down and grabbed a sandwich and my headphones out of my school bag. I put on some Rage Against The Machine and just enjoyed some time alone in my own world. Suddenly I noticed movement in the bushes. Oh for fucks sake. Did they find my spot? But it wasn’t Chris nor Tom or anyone else. It was Matthew who stumbled through the bushes. I just stared at him. “Oh-“, he began when he saw me, “I… didn’t see someone was already here.” “How do you know this spot?”, I asked and pulled the headphones off my head. “I always come here when I need time alone… It’s really hard to get that when you’re constantly followed by an army of students.”, he said. “I can imagine.”, I mumbled and took a bite of my sandwich. “Can I… can I stay here?”, asked Matthew shyly. “Sure.”, I answered and shifted a bit to the side, so he could sit on the bench. He sat down and also pulled a sandwich from his bag. “Your name’s Dominic, right?”, he asked. “Uh yeah, but I usually go by Dom.”, I replied. Fuck, I’m really, actually talking to him. Stay calm Dom, stay calm. “Okay Dom. You can call me Matt if you like.”, he said. Then he looked at my headphones. “What are you listening to?” “Just some Rage against The Machine.”, I said. “Hey I love them! We often play songs of them in the band.”, said Matt, his eyes sparkling with joy. “Really?”, I asked. “Yeah! You should come to our next gig. I’ve never seen you at one.”, he said. “Yeah… I don’t know…”, I said, nervously shifting around, “I don’t get along that well with… some students.” Matt sighted. “I’ll watch out for you. Just stay near me and they’ll leave you alone.” “Yeah that’s exactly it… it’s Chris and Tom. They always bully me, pushing me to the ground, steal my lunch money, etc…” “They do that?”, asked Matt with his eyes wide open. I nodded. “Ever since I came here.” Then Matt grabbed my hand. “Come on, we’ll sort that out now.” I swallowed. “O…okay.” Matt is with me. It’ll be alright, won’t it? We checked nobody was near us and then we left our hiding spot. Walking towards the school building, Matt got greeted from every side and some students followed us. It made me slightly uncomfortable. We walked down to the football pitch, where Chris, Tom and the other sport kids would hang out. Chris came towards us. “Bells mate, where have you been?” He acted like I wasn’t there. “Can I talk to you guys for a sec? Why do you bully Dom?”, asked Matt. “What, who? Oh, that Howard guy? We aren’t bulling him, what are you talking about?”, said Tom. Now I got angry. “Don’t act like you don’t know me! You know exactly what he means.” “Oh shut up, will ya?”, said Chris, looking down on me. “Okay that’s enough!”, shouted Matt, standing between us. “Stop bulling him or you two won’t be my friends anymore.” “Ohhh, now we’re scared.”, whined Tom and pretended to cry. “What do you wanna do Bellamy?”, asked Chris and stretched himself to his full height. Now he was almost two heads taller than Matt. But he just looked at him unimpressed. “I’m gonna kick your ass, Chris. You know, I thought you were my friend.” The bully laughed. “Well, it was nice to get some of your fame.” I just wished they would stop. I didn’t want Matt to get hurt. I mean, he was small and skinny and Chris was a fucking tank. “You wanna set this straight, right now?”, asked Matt with a cold voice. So there they were. The students formed a circle around them and I was in front line. Chris made the first punch but Matt dodged it by turning around his arm. Then he grabbed it and Chris’ neck and slammed him to the ground. All the students cheered, but I just stared at him. There was no way a skinny bloke like him had so much strength. “If I were you, I’d stay the fuck down.”, hissed Matt at his opponent on the ground. Chris just lay there and shook. “Yes…”, he whispered. Matt stood up and wiped the dust off his pants. Everyone immediately gathered around him and cheered. But I silently made my way out of the crowd and walked away.

After school I pulled him aside. “Sorry that I just walked off. But thank you.” Matt smiled at me. “You’re welcome. If anyone decides to bully you again, you tell me.” I slightly blushed. “I will.” Then I walked home. For the first time in a long time I felt great. But soon after, my mood got brutally killed. When I walked past a side street, two strong arms grabbed me and slammed me against the hard brick wall. “You little shit.”, I heard a way too familiar voice hiss. Of course it was Chris. “Now you will pay for telling him.” He grabbed me and turned me around. Tom cracked his knuckles and punched me in the stomach. I screamed in pain but Chris put a hand over my mouth. Tom punched me again. And again. And again. My sight became blurry. With my last strength I pulled my head free and yelled for Matt. I pressed my eyes shut and prepared for the next punch, but it didn’t come. Instead I felt the grip of the two strong arms loosen and I let myself fall on the ground. I coughed and looked up. Through the haze of tears in my eyes I saw a head with shiny blue hair. Matt had stopped Tom’s punch and he didn’t let go of his arm. I saw that he stared at Matt in shock. He ripped his arm out of his grip and ran away. Then Matt slowly turned around to face Chris. Was I dreaming or… did his eyes glow in an unnatural bright blue? Then Chris ran away too. Matt bow down to me. “You okay?”, he asked concerned. No, now that he’s that close to me I was sure. His eyes really are glowing. But before I could say anything, I passed out.

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