Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: I Live for Chaos

After breaking Loki out of his prison cell, they walked through the corridors side by side

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After breaking Loki out of his prison cell, they walked through the corridors side by side. Thor was being cautious, wary of any nearby guards, while Loki reveled in his freedom, speaking and walking along as if he wasn't a prisoner trapped in the dungeons just moments before.

Loki was back in his green and golden armor, with his jet black hair neatly combed back as if he had had the time to take a lengthy shower before their escape.

"This is so unlike you, brother," Loki remarked, with a sly grin plastered on his face. "So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?" Loki snarked.

Thor continued to walk, not looking at Loki as he searched the halls. "If you keep speaking, I just might."

"Fine, as you wish. I'm not even here," Loki replied, continuing to provoke his brother a he created an illusion that made him appear as a palace guard. "Is this better?"

"It's better company at least," Thor responded, still looking around for guards who could compromise his whole operation.

"Still, we could be less conspicuous," Loki joked, now looking like his normal self once again, while Adaline walked beside him instead of his brother.

"Mmm, brother, you look ravishing," Loki complimented, running his eyes over the illusion of her body.

Thor then looked down, noticing his slightly smaller stature and the change in armor, but still had the golden blonde hair before replying. "It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form; might even hurt more."

Loki continued to smile, before shrugging his shoulders at his next words. "Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much," he sneered, still quietly taking in Adaline's presence. He knew it wasn't her, but rather his brother, but her image still managed to give him slight peace of mind as he changed his illusion once again.

Thor now walked with Steve Rogers, the 'Star Spangled Man with a Plan' at his side.

"Oh, this is much better. Ooh. The costume is a bit much. So tight," Loki spoke, turning to look at Thor. "But the confidence...I can feel the righteousness surging." Loki then turned completely toward Thor, beginning to walk backwards as he held the shield on his arm. "Hey, do you want to have a rousing discussion about truth? Honor? Patriotism? God Bless Ame..."

Loki was then silenced by Thor's hand over his mouth as he was roughly pushed into a nearby pillar, being forced to transform back to himself. "What?" he snapped, following Thor's gaze over to where a few guards were walking past. Loki then looked back as Thor kept his gaze on the retreating guards. "You could at least furnish me with a weapon. My dagger, something."

Thor then looked at Loki, who wore a sneaky grin, before looking down toward his hands. Thor then nodded looking back around the room as he slid an object from out of his cloak.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now