Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Will You be Able to Rest?

After Adaline had left Loki to allow him to get some sleep, she headed to the kitchen

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After Adaline had left Loki to allow him to get some sleep, she headed to the kitchen. Seeing as it was almost midnight and Adaline had yet to eat dinner, she grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat at the counter before succumbing to her thoughts.

Tomorrow would be the day she went home. Once she left she would return to her normal life with her job and with Ethan; who she still had yet to explain everything to. She wondered what would happen when she left.

Would Stark call her back to help further develop his newest invention?

Would he still want to help her understand her powers?

Would she keep in contact with any of the Avengers, who she now would like to call her friends?

But the thought that most plagued her mind the most, was if Loki would be okay in her absence.

She didn't want everything she had said to him and everything that he opened up about, to be washed down the drain after she left. She wanted him to grow and become a better person and be able to accept others.

Adaline feared, when he heard about her leaving and knew that he would most likely never see her again, that he would close up; which Adaline realized was very much like what she did after leaving her father to move to New York.


When Adaline returned to her room and changed into another pair of shorts and a t-shirt, she laid under the covers and contemplated what her life would be like without the people she now had in it. If Adaline was being completely honest she couldn't remember what life was like before she had met them.

As Adaline began to fall asleep, she jumped as she began to hear screams coming from down the hall. She hopped out of bed, and ran out of her room toward where the sound was coming from.

Loki's room.

Adaline quickly threw his door open, shut it and ran toward where he was thrashing about on the bed. As she reached for his shoulder, trying to steady and wake him up, she screamed his name.

"Loki! Loki, please wake up" she screamed, shaking his shoulder in hopes he would awaken from his nightmare, "I need you to WAKE UP!"

At that he jolted up, and brought his knees into his chest before noticing that Adaline was sitting in front of him. She stared at him with worry in her eyes as she placed her hand in his, which lay beside his feet on the comforter.

"Adaline," he whispered, before moving his hand away from her own.

Adaline was slightly disappointed at his actions, as she was only trying to help him; before asking Loki what had happened.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now