Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: " Natasha Romanoff Happened"

Chapter 6: " Natasha Romanoff Happened"

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June 17th, 2012

The next day, Adaline woke up to JARVIS warning her that Miss Romanoff was on her way to wake her up and begin training.

Adaline thanked him for the warning and quickly brushed her teeth, put her hair into a side braid and changed into a grey tank-top with black leggings. As she was just finishing tying her shoes she heard a knock at her door, signifying that Natasha had arrived.

She opened the door to find the redhead bright-eyed and ready to train.

When they arrived at the floor where the Avengers now did their training, Natasha lead her to the mat where she would teach her the basics of self defense.

"Always block with your arms, and keep your feet shoulder width apart," Natasha began. "Make sure you don't have your thumb tucked inside your knuckle when throwing a punch; that can easily break your thumb, and we wouldn't want that."

As Adaline blocked a few of Nat's punches and jumped up when she tried to swipe Adaline off of her feet, she realized this wasn't as hard as she thought it would be; however, it appeared that she had spoken too soon, for the second she got overconfident, she was nailed by Nat's fist right in the jaw.

Taking a few recovery steps back, she turned away from the mat and bent down. Reaching her hand up to feel the bruise that was beginning to form, she spoke, "Son of a...," Adaline exclaimed still slightly stunned.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, are you okay? I thought you had started to get the hang of it," Nat apologized.

Adaline then turned around and said "Yea I'm good, just a little stunned is all."

Natasha nodded before saying they would stop there for the day, and that she should go find Bruce so he can look at her jaw.


When Adaline arrived at the infirmary, she told Bruce what happened and mentioned that Nat "had a wicked swing."

Bruce gave a small laugh, and told her to sit in the chair next to his desk before checking that she didn't have a concussion.

While he made was sure she was fine, except for the nasty bruise that she would sport for the next few days, Adaline spoke up.

"You know, you and I are kind of the same," she said.

Bruce looked at her wildly before asking how they were anything alike; saying that he turned into a big, green monster when he got angry and she controlled fire. How could they have been anything alike?

"My emotions control my abilities, just as yours do, I just don't turn green" she said, giving a little chuckle at the last bit, "My hair, however, does flare up and begin to have red-orange highlights near the ends, and I have been told that I have a ring of fire surrounding my iris when I use my abilities."

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