Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: "Show Nick Fury some Ninja Skills"

About a week later, Adaline was in the training room bright and early, ready to spar with Natasha

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About a week later, Adaline was in the training room bright and early, ready to spar with Natasha.

With Clint and Natasha both teaching her the arts of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry, she had gotten increasingly better at self-defense and had even found out that she was exceptionally talented at shooting a gun and using knives.

Natasha even let slip that she was kind of a natural at it.

After shooting a few bullseyes, sparring, and practicing her knife movements,  she left the training room to go shower before having to go to Tony's workshop to continue helping him with his newest invention.

Tony had made sure to email Adaline's editor personally to explain that she would not be at work for a while. Tracy, once hearing that Adaline was in affiliation with Tony Stark, quickly obliged and said that Adaline could be away for as long as she pleased, just as long as she turned in her requested articles on time.

Upon entering the workshop, she was attacked by a few nanobots that clung to her arm.

"If this is what they are going to do every time I walk in the room to control my powers, then I don't want it," she said slightly laughing and telling him to get them off of her hands.

Tony huffed a quick reply, saying that it would need fixing and was a long way from being completed.

"Oh, also Fury is stopping by today around two to get an examination of your skills and such," Tony said blatantly.

"What!" Adaline exclaimed, totally not freaking out. "I'm not ready. What will I say?"

"Why are you spazzing out? He is just going to evaluate your fighting skills and how well you can find valuable information on a computer," Tony assured her before continuing. "You should know by now, that all most SHIELD agents do is snoop on people and only the really good ones actually get to go out into the field."

"But I want and need to be one of the good ones, I am not going to be an agent if I just sit behind a desk all day; I already do that at my job now."

Tony rolled his eyes, not exactly seeing why it was such a big deal to her before stating that she should just show Nick her ninja skills.

"I've heard what Natasha and Clint have said about your training," Tony continued, "And I trust their judgement. Well, I trust Romanoff's, not Barton's"

Adaline gave a small chuckle at that and said she would meet up with him later before exiting the room.

Nick Fury would arrive in about an hour so she went to change back into some athletic clothes, seeing as she would have to do another training session to show Fury her fighting capabilities.

After getting dressed and leaving her room, she headed to the main floor where she was sure Loki would be sitting with his new book she had given him.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now