Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Too Good to be True

Adaline could not believe that the man she had researched and wrote an article about, now stood only a few yards away

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Adaline could not believe that the man she had researched and wrote an article about, now stood only a few yards away.

Tony Stark was dressed in a silver tuxedo and wore a pair of shades over his eyes. He stood confidently talking to a few other people with Pepper Potts, his partner, at his side.

As Adaline made her way over, she thought about what she would say to him. Should she mention the Attack? The Avengers initiative? or just keep it simple and talk about his technological advancements that he had made over the years?

All Adaline knew was that she wanted to get to know the man behind the mask.

Adaline was not a reporter. She was a researcher and a phenomenal one at that. Her publisher would always ask her how she had managed to find such in-depth details on her topics. She would always say that it just came down to patience and finding the right website to read. But when it came to talking, especially to a man as wealthy, intelligent, and famous as Tony Stark, she never knew where to start.

"Hi Mr. Stark, my name is Adaline Nordin," she started, before being slightly cut off.

"Mm, yes, the writer, I read your article about the attack. Great stuff," he replied, slightly brushing her off.

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I just wanted to come over here and introduce myself."

"Well now that you have, what? Do you want an inside scoop or something?" he replied harshly, as Pepper looked at her apologetically from beside him.

She looked slightly astonished at his words, but assured him she was not a reporter, just wrote the articles and did the research using information she found online. She just wrote recaps and the truth about the events and topics her editor requested she write about.

Once they had talked for a little while, Tony eventually started to ease up. He became slightly more friendly, which may or may not have been because whenever he spoke, Pepper would give him a glare before he could even get any remotely rude words out.

Not too long after they had finished their conversation, Ethan had returned to Adaline's side, and had said that they would leave in a few to go and grab dinner somewhere before driving her back home.

Adaline nodded, seeing as she had only had some water and a glass of champagne while at the event, she was beyond famished.

Before leaving she made sure to say goodbye to Tony, Pepper, and Ethan's father, Henry, and say that it was a pleasure to meet them once again.


As Ethan walked Adaline back up to her apartment after the ride from the restaurant. She chatted about how she had fun as she unlocked her door.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now