Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: "I Licked It so It's Mine"

Once the two had left the building, Adaline lead Loki toward the library

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Once the two had left the building, Adaline lead Loki toward the library. Seeing as Loki loved to read, she thought it would be a good place to start.

As they walked through the streets, Adaline could see the many stares Loki was receiving from the civilians. But instead of mentioning it to Loki, she just gave each person a hard glare that told them not to mess with them.

After a while of walking around, she could start to see the library in the distance. Grabbing hold of Loki's hand she sprinted for the doors.

Upon entry, Loki took in the many aisles of bookshelves and the calm atmosphere, that was much different than the noise from the city outside before walking farther in. He slowly began to run his fingers over all the books that sat on the bookshelves.

"Loki," She called softly, breaking him out of his trance. "This way."

Adaline led him to a shelve that was full of old literature and began to pull some books out for him to read, before putting them on a nearby table that was empty where he could enjoy his books for the hour or two that they would be there.

Placing Dracula, Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, and Jane Eyre onto the table she quickly said, "I think you will like these. I'll be right back I have to go speak with my manager."

He nodded, watching as she walked away before picking up Pride and Prejudice and beginning to read.

When Adaline left Loki's side, she went to her managers office in the back of the library. After knocking on the door, she heard her manager say "come in" from the other side. Adaline opened the door and walked forward to stand in front of the desk before speaking.

"Hi Mrs. Jones, I just came to inform you that I will not be able to work at the library anymore," Adaline said before explaining herself. "I am currently taking up a big job opportunity and will not be home enough to come in for work."

Her manager simply nodded, saying that she was happy she had gotten a good job opportunity somewhere else and that Adaline was always welcome.

Adaline then left the office before returning to where she had left Loki. She turned the corner to find him miles away in the book.

She sat in the chair across from him after grabbing her own book from one of the shelves.

They stayed at the library until lunch time when Adaline decided she was hungry and that it was time to leave. Seeing that Loki was still deeply focusing on his book, she asked him if he would like her to check out the book for him.

He nodded, before they made their way to the checkout station and left to get lunch.

She held Loki's hand as they made their way toward Adaline's favorite pizza place in all of New York. Once arriving at 'Logan's Pizza Parlor' they walked in and sat in one of the many booths that littered the diner. A waiter, noticing their presence, then walked over to take their orders.

FROM THE ASHES - L. Laufeyson [1]Where stories live. Discover now