wet sneezes and worry

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When I wake up, I feel awful. Not only is my nose blocked, but my throat is killing me, and I feel bad for falling asleep on Peter. He still hasn't moved. He's just sitting here watching a star wars movie on his phone while I lay in his lap. This is why he's the best boyfriend ever. 

 "Oh, well good morning princess" Peter says while turning off his phone and giving me his full attention. "How did you sleep?"

 " Fine. How long have I been out for? " I ask, sitting up.

 "Around 2 and a half hours." 

 Well frick I think. 

 "I'm sorry baby." 

 " you're alright" Peter leans back into the couch and closes his eyes. " I know how much you needed it. " 

I mean, I guess if I was tired enough to fall asleep on him, I did need it. But like, that doesn't imply I'm catching whatever Peter has or something.

 "Heh'ngx'shiiw" Okay, that was an untimely coincidence

 "What was that silly?" Peter asks. Yes I know that sometimes when I sneeze I sound like a kitten. I can't help it, okay?

 "Nothing baby. Don't worry about it." 

 "Okay. But by the way, that was the cutest little sneeze I've ever heard." I face him and roll my eyes. I must have rolled them with a little too much sass, because my head starts to hurt. I lean forward and place my head in my hands, then start rubbing my temples. Peter notices and starts to rub my back up and down.

 "Hey, Baby, you alright?" He asks, obviously concerned. 

 "I'm good. Just a little headache starting. I'll just take something and be fine." 

 "If you say so." He pulls me by my waist back towards him on the couch, and I cuddle into him. He's clearly not convinced that I'm okay. 

 "Babe, really, I'm fine." I look up and give him a small kiss on the cheek. "It's really you we should be worried about here. You're still burning up." 

I tried to lean towards the table to grab the thermometer, but Peter tugs me back towards his chest. 

 "No. I want cuddles." I roll my eyes again, but sit on his lap and wrap my legs around him so that we're facing each other, and then lay my head on his chest while wrapping my arms around his waist. He pulls me into a but and leans his head down to lay it on my shoulder. Frick, this kid is cute. 

 "You're so clingy" I tell him, although I cuddle closer. He just mumbles incoherently and kisses my neck. I sigh softly. This is perfect.

But then I have to go and ruin the moment. In the back of my nose, I feel that dreaded tickle. Heck no. Not now! I try my best to keep from sneezing. I reach up and carefully rub my nose. But it only makes it worse. I quickly push Peter away from me and put my face into my elbow.

 "Haaah-choooo!! Aaaah-chuuuu! Aaaa... Aaaah-choo!" I sneezed wetly. Geez, my nose is runny now. I move my hand up so the side of my thumb is right under my nose. I sniff a big, gurgling sniff. That does nothing. 

Peter defiantly noticed that. And he'll defiantly question it. But my nose is so runny that I don't have time to think about that. I just say

"I'mb sorry. Cad I habe a tissue?" With my hand still up to my nose. I sniff again, just as wet sounding and unproductive as before. Peter gives me a look that is a mix of disbelief, concern, and I told you so. I hate it. He hands me one singular tissue, but I know that is not going to be enough. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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