It's Raining, It's Pouring #3

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Peter couldn't believe his luck. 

He just happened to run out of webs and have to walk home in the cold, wet rain on the one day he was suffering from a bad cold. The world wasn't being very nice to him today. Luck was not on his side. 

He shivered as he walked slowly down the sidewalk. The rain had slowed him down because of how cold it was, but it had also made his poor nose cold. It was running uncontrollably and he was even more congested than before. He sniffed deeply and started coughing because of all the mucus in this throat.

The only thing the coughing seemed to do, however, was make his throat sore and raw. He sighed and silently wished he had drunk more tea. Right as he thought this, he ran into someone head-first. Their face bumped into his nose and made him let out of string of strong, congested sneezes he had been holding back for a while. 

"Ahh... T'shiew! Ehsch! 'Ngshht! Heh'axshew! Heh'tschiew!! Heh'kshh! E'cksht! ESHIEW! HIH-T'SHEW! EH'TSHUU! HEH'SCHH! HEH'ESCHH!"

The sneezes made his nose run and had let out a surprising amount of snot. He immediately put his wrist up to his nose and sniffed. He groaned and wiped his nose on his wrist, but there was too much snot to get rid of. He saw a tissue being offered to him from the person he has run into and he blushed and muttered a small thank you as he put the tissue to his nose.

Once he had cleaned himself up, he looked up at the stranger, only to see that it wasn't a stranger at all. It was MJ. Peter gasped in surprise, which triggered a coughing fit. Once he was done letting out the harsh, wet coughs, he looked back up at MJ. She didn't have a facial expression that said, "I told you so" like he thought. Her expression was one of concern. 

"Sorry." Peter said. He was so embarrassed. Not only had he fallen on his butt in front of his crush, but he had also just had a sneeze attack and coughing fit in front of her too.

 And it wasn't like he could play it off as not being him, because he had changed into some clothes from the thrift store next Clara's shop. A weird looking T-shirt with a band on it, and some army-green cargo pants. He would have liked to have a long sleeve T-shirt or a jacket, but he didn't have enough money on him.

As if thinking about not having a jacket reminded him of the fact, he started shivering. He was pathetic. He hadn't even gotten up off the floor yet and he was sure he still had some snot on his face.

"Don't apologize Peter. It's not your fault you're not feeling well." MJ said, going completely out of character. "What are you even doing out here anyway? It's freezing, and you don't have a jacket. Plus, it could make your cold worse."

"I do not have a cold. It's just allergies. I'm fine." Peter lied. He knew he was in denial, but MJ didn't have to know that. MJ reached her hand towards Peter and attempted to put her hand to his forehead, but Peter pushed it away. 

"MJ, I'm fine." He whined followed by a small cough. "The pollen count was pretty high today. That's all." MJ shook her head and you could tell she was giving up.

"Fine," she said, "but if you get any worse, you're going to admit to being sick, and then I'll walk you home and you'll go to bed." Peter just rolled his eyes and got up off the sidewalk. 

Or, he tried to. The sidewalk was slippery because of the rain and as he was standing up, he fell right into the bike lane. And it was just his luck that he landed butt first, right into a giant, freezing cold puddle.

MJ let out a curse word and then said, "Parker, are you okay?" He just nodded his head and got up. Peter was wet. Everywhere. His socks were soaked, his shoes were squishy, his pants were soggy, his shirt was sopping, and even his hair was hanging down into his eyes. The combination of both the still pouring rain and the freezing puddle had made Peter wet. Very, very wet. And cold. 

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