Confessions and Cold Medicine

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Peter's POV:

I came home from patrol super happy. I didn't even care that he was soaked. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was freezing, and I could defiantly feel myself getting sicker by the second, but I was excited, and that was all that mattered. 

Everyone wanted to know why I was so bubbly, and I was happy to share. The conversation went a little like this:

Clint: Dude, why are you so happy? 

Tony: Please tell me you didn't get into the Mountain Dew again. 

Steve: Okay, What did you do?

Bruce: Where did you get those clothes?

Me: Okay, I'll tell you. (Dramatically flopping on the couch and sighing happily) I kissed her.

(Clint hoots, Nat wiggles her eyebrows, Tony claps his hand to my shoulder)

Steve: Peter, are you sure you're ready for that?

Clint: Of corse he's ready! What do you mean, 'Is he ready'? He's his own man. He doesn't need you to tell him if he's ready to kiss a girl. 

Tony: I say hey, as long as you don't sleep with her kid, you're fine. 

Nat: Tony!

Bruce: Just so we're clear, this is MJ we're talking about, right?

Me: Yeah. 

Tony: Nice, but it's almost midnight. Go to bed. 

So, now I'm laying in my bed thinking about how that just happened. It DID just happen, right? Oh my goodness, I'm so happy! I take a deep breath. My nose starts to tingle. I rub at it in an attempt to make it stop, but it's doesn't work.

"Heh... Eh'ngk'tchu, mngktshoo" Ow. Dang, that hurt! I tried to stifle them by pinching my nose shut and that was a bad idea. I rub my now throbbing throat. I can already tell that my voice is starting to go. Crap. Now what will I say? Before I can think of a good excuse though, I fall asleep.


I wake up in the morning to a cold, icy water being dumped on me. I immediately bolt out of bed only to see Natasha holding a bucket. 

"Nat!" I groaned, "Why can't you wake me up like a normal person?" Nat just shrugged and said I should start getting ready for our run. I waved her out of the room and closed the door. I had bigger problems. My voice was completely shot. I was able to cover it up just now because I had just woken up, but in twenty minutes, it wouldn't normally be like that.

I sighed, which sent me into a long, harsh coughing fit followed by a few wet sniffs. Ugh. I hated being sick. I was miserable and I couldn't take a break for anyone to take care of me, because I couldn't tell anybody. As I started to get dressed, I noticed a few more things. 

First of all, my throat was killing me. It felt like someone had tried to feed me a saw. It hurt to swallow and it was really dry, which was probably why I kept coughing. Even when I had drunk three glasses of water, it was still super dry. And the water hurt to swallow.

Second of all, I was congested as heck. My nose was so blocked up, even blowing it several times didn't help me. I could even feel the start of a sinus headache building. I took some decongestants and prayed that would be enough. 

Third of all, I shouldn't have been this bad already. Ned said that he only felt bad enough to go home after 3,4,5ish days, but I hadn't had this cold for two days and I already felt crappy. I mean, I did go out in the rain for like, What? Two, maybe three hours yesterday? Okay, yeah. I saw the problem. 

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