Language and Libraries

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Okay, so I've had no ideas lately, but I've finally been hit by inspiration. I watched the new Spider-Man and I don't know what happened, but I had so many ideas! I also changed my username. I don't know why, I just thought it was a good idea and I like my new name. So, without any further ado, here you have it. Chapter 5! 

Peter 's POV: 

I wasn't hiding. Why would I be hiding from the Avengers? I wasn't. I was in a library because I felt like reading. I wasn't avoiding them. I sniffed and reality came crashing down. 

Okay, maybe I was avoiding them. But, I had a good reason! If they knew I was sick, they would make me take a break from being Spider-Man! Then who would handle the neighborhood problems? It wasn't Bruce was going to go Hulk Smash all the robbers and stuff. 

I sniffled again. Not that it was doing anything. In fact, it was just making my nose itch. I reached up to itch my nose when the itching got severely worse. I wrinkled my nose as my breath hitched. I sniffed again and my breathing went out of control. I raised my hand up to my nose as fast as I could, barely making it in time. 

"Ah ah ah actxSH." I tried to stifle my sneeze, failing because I didn't have enough time to pinch my nose. I sniffed thickly and took in a deep breath, preparing for the second sneeze I felt coming. 

"Heh he hutxChu" I sneezed again, this one even louder than the first one. I groaned, my hand still covering my nose and mouth. I knew it wasn't sanitary, but it was all I had. I didn't want to get my cold germs all over my hoodie I had gotten from being on the debate team. My hand was the second best option and all I had. I closed my eyes and parted my mouth slightly, getting ready for sneeze number three. This one got stuck a little more, causing a bigger buildup.

 "Ah ahh heh huh ah acxtCHU!" I sneezed. I sniffle and then, realizing that didn't help at all , sniff loudly. It makes a wet, stuffy inhaling sound that makes me feel embarrassed. If that wasn't enough, I can feel snot all over my hand. I take my hand out from in front of my nose and mouth and put the back of my hand to my forehead. I close my eyes and sigh. I'm so miserable that I didn't notice that someone had joined me on the bench I'm sitting on at the back of the library.

 "Hey buddy" said Steve, "you feeling okay?" If I was being honest, I could tell he was just about ready to put the back of his hand on my forehead. I slid as far away from him as I could on the bench without looking suspicious , which wasn't that much. 

 "Oh yeah. " I said, putting my acting skills to a real test. "Why wouldn't I?" Even though I thought it was pretty good, I could tell he wasn't buying it. To be honest, I didn't blame him. My cheeks were light pink from the nice fever I was running, and I was sniffing almost constantly. Plus, he had just walked up on me acting completely miserable. I was caught.

 "Uh, you're just sneezing and sniffling a lot. Just wondered if you were getting sick." Steve said. How ironic it was that at that moment my nose started tingling and I wrinkled it. I breathed shallow, trying to resist the sneeze I knew was coming. But, I wouldn't give in. He couldn't know how bad I felt. And, let me tell you, I felt awful. 

 "N n n nah ah ACXTSSH" I sneezed loudly, "Nope. I'm fine." My voice was heavy with congestion, my ns and ms sounding like bs and ds. I sniffed loudly, but that did nothing to help. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over at Cap. In his hand he held a tissue from who knows where. I sniffed and pushed it away from me while blushing hysterically. I just sneezed in front of Captain flipping America! Gosh, I'm so pathetic. What would Mr. Stark have to say about me? I stood up and made some excuse as to where I was going, then left the library without looking behind me. 


After that, it's really all just a blur. Then next thing I know, I'm in a storage closet sitting on the floor with my head leaned up on the shelf behind me. I take some deep breaths, and then put my head into my hands. As I rub my throbbing temples, I think about how embarrassing and awkward today has been. 

First, MJ was all suspicious and concerned, making her look way hot in my mind. You know, the way I think about MJ is kind of like a little kid being told not to open their presents before Christmas. I mean, they're right there! All I have to do is not open it. Not give into all that the idea of it has to offer me, and then it'll be so much better later on. But, it's just so hard to resist not telling her that I like her. Not telling her how much all the funny things she does turns me on. And, yeah, she's awkward, but she makes it look so cute. Gosh, this must be the fever talking because, I really don't have it this bad, right? 

After I made things more awkward with MJ, I shut myself in my room all day, making the gang already suspicious of me. Then, when I actually talked to them, I end up being too quiet or finding eat enough, making them even more suspicious. And, to top it all off, I kept sniffling and sneezing all freaking night! Why didn't the NyQuil work on me? Curse you spider bite!  FInally, I was just a miserable ball of snot in front of the Captain America. I'm such a mess. I pull my knees to my chest and berry my head in them. How is it possible that even after the spider bite I can feel so crappy? 

"Curse you fricking stress!" I muffle into my knees , "why are you so difficult?"

"Wow, kid!" I hear a voice from the shadows say. " You are lucky that it's not his Star-Spangled highness here, or you would have just earned yourself a 'stern talking to'. But really, I thought I taught you better than that. That was the perfect moment to curse! I'm really, truly, disappointed in you. " Fudge. It's Mr. Stark.

 Okay, so I decided that I wanted to try out something new, so here we have a chapter from Peter's point of view. I have some questions for you guys, so please answer honestly, it'll help me get what you guys want the most out of this in the future. And, also, as a side note, if you guys want me to answer your questions, please comment them and I'll answer in the next couple chapters. I am trying to be better about how often I lost these, but it would really help me to know what you guys think. So, without any more stalling, here are the questions:

What do you guys think about the pov of this chapter?

Do you guys think I should do more first person point of view for this book?

If so, who should I do it with?

Are there any specific things you guys want to see happen in this book? (Peter getting stuck in the rain, MJ taking care of him, him going on patrol and failing, a mix of two or more of these, ect.?)

Finally, how do you want the Avengers to find out he's sick?

Thanks for reading my crazy, awful, writing and answering the questions! It really helps me with my writing, and it keeps me more encouraged and just plainly makes my day if you comment advise(even if it's you saying that I should give up on writing and be a crazy cat lady who knits scarfs for a living)! Also, please vote and all that good jazz! Thanks,


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