Chapter Three

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She is standing right in front of me now, her face inches from mine. In that couple of seconds that there was before the priest started talking, I had forgotten why I was there and who was watching. I was brought out of my daydreaming when the priest started talking. The next forty five minutes would be the best and most emotional time of my life. The priest is an old family friend and he actually married my parents and coincidentally Azaria’s parents. We are in this cute little chapel in the town we were born in. We are having the reception outside at Azaria’s mums house. The weather couldn’t of turned out any better.

We started dating second term of the year they got back. I couldn’t stay away from her. Alex was starting to find me weird because I would ask to go to his place and stare out the window when Azaria was outside. When Alex would ask what I was staring at I would just reply “oh nothing, I thought I saw a black rabbit.” It took me about an hour after that before I got the courage and walked outside to ask her on a date. I was surprised when she said yes straight away. I think all that exercising got to her brain but I'm not complaining. I was just sitting there watching her swim laps when Alex pulled me out of my fantasizing.

When I finally got home I got a spare book and a pen and jotted down everything I could do or take her so it would be perfect and romantic. I wanted to be the best boyfriend she had ever had. The next day at school I was quizzing Alex on the subject.

“So Alex, what did her last boyfriends do on their first date?” Alex just looked at me and laughed.

“Um.. Marc, she has never had a boyfriend.”

“Really, why is that?”

“ What is this, 20 Questions? Why don’t you ask her yourself. I don’t know everything about my SISTER.” I didn’t bring up the subject again that day.

At home I was asking my older twin brother and sister what I should do. “Dude, just take her to the movies and do the old trick of pretending to yawn and putting your arm around her, also to make it better, pay for her.” “Kori, that’s definitely not the best thing to do on a first date” Lexi would retaliate. “Marc, take her to dinner and pay for her, then after dinner maybe take a walk in the park or go to the movies but don’t take Kori’s advise.” They started arguing so I left it at that. They were the most immature 19 year old’s ever. I was starting to get nervous about what I should do. Maybe I'll do a surprise and blindfold her until we were at the destination.

The days leading up to Saturday night was infuriating. I couldn’t see her at school because it was private and not co-ed. I had planned and gone over the date in my head and told Lexi and Kori about it and they both agreed that it was fantastic and that they would help set up. I set up with dad about using his favourite car, A Black Hummer, and decided a time. I got Alex to tell her the time but not where we are going. I checked the weather over and over again to make sure it was perfect. It was getting closer to Saturday and all that was going through my head was the different things that could go wrong. “If Kori stuffs it up by doing one of his practical jokes, I will seriously run him over with the hummer” I told Lexi on the Friday night.

“Today is the day” I told Alex over the phone. It was about 12.30pm and I called to see what she looked like. “She isn’t even up yet mate, your date isn’t until 7.” “Yeah I know but I’m nervous and excited.” The day went quite quickly. It was 5.30 and the twins had gone to set up. I had told them the exact place to go and drew them a diagram of what it should look like. They had waiters costumes, they looked so funny but I would never say that to their faces. I had tried on many clothes and in the end got mum to help me. We settled on a dressy button up top with nice black skinny jeans and a nice jacket that I stole off Kori.

At 6.30 dad and I got into the hummer and started driving to Azaria’s. On the way I had called Lexi to make sure it was set up and ready and to see if Kori was behaving. “ Yeah, we are all good this end but how are you feeling bud?” “I’m fine Lexi, just get into position, we are on our way to her place now. I got to go now bye” “BYE” Lexi and Kori both shouted through the phone. We turned into her driveway and the nerves hit me. I sat in the car for a minute or two before dad forced me out of the car. “Why can’t you go and get her dad?” “Because it isn’t my date.”

I was greeted at the door by Alex and Keeley. Alex was just about to put her to bed. I said goodnight to Keeley just as Azaria walked down the stairs. OMG.. she looked stunning. Words can’t describe what she looked like. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she said hello and I just stared at her. I came back to reality when I heard a horn tooting. Dad wanted to be back home in time for his favourite show. I opened the car door for her and closed it behind her. “This car is awesome as.” “Um thanks.” It was awkward at first but then Katy Perry came on the radio and she practically screamed “This is my favourite song at the moment.” The only thing I could manage out was “Yeah me too.” I pathetically tried singing to the song but failed.

After 20 minutes we were there. As soon as she got out of the car I blindfolded her and asked if she trusted me. To my surprise she said yes. Azaria was full of surprises. I led her on the path until we were at the best part of the beach. I looked at it and reminded myself that I would have to thank the twins for this one. I took off her blindfold. She gasped in astonishment. “OMG Marc, It’s beautiful.” “So are you Azaria.” I whispered into her ear. She blushed and took a seat. As soon as I sat down my brother came out with a small list of drinks that were in an esky in the back of his car. We both ordered and just sat there in silence for a bit. We took in the scenery. When we got our drinks we started to chat about the past couple of years and how annoying she use to be. She admitted that the first time I went to their house she had a crush on me. It was my turn to blush.

After we finished our drinks Lexi came out and took out orders from a small menu she made. Of course I hassled Alex for what Azaria’s favourite dinner was. We sat there laughing and eating and talking about how crap our school is. “It’s so gay that we are split up. Do they think that as soon as they put us together we will start humping and multiply?” I nearly spat my food out. She just looked at me and laughed. After dinner we went for a walk along the tide.We were running in and out of the water like little kids. It was the most fun I had had in a while. I didn’t want it to end but it had to, it was getting late.

We walked back to the table and I called dad. while we were waiting I introduced her to my siblings and she told me more about Keeley and Summer. Just before dad got there we were just staring at each other. Her eyes were so beautiful, you could get lost in them. Before I knew it we were kissing. We would of been going for a solid minute if dad hadn’t shown up. Funny, the song playing on the way back was the Katy Perry song playing on the way there. “This is going to be our song okay?” I told her before it finished. “ Oh deffs, futuristic lover” we laughed all the way back to her house. I said goodbye to her and told her I would see her soon. When I got home I told mum and dad all about it. I told them that I would marry that girl some day.

That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face, already planning what we would do next.

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