Chapter Six

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Sorry for the really late update. Ive been lazy and doing homework and yeah.


After the reception we headed to the airport. The reception was awesome and it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves. We made the airport just in time. I was going to surprise her by getting us a private jet that my mate owned but he needed it that day. I hadn’t told her where we were going.

“Come on Marcyyyyy, where are we going?” she whined massaging the back of my head.

“To heaven” I said in a sarcastic tone.

We boarded the plane and got settled for a long trip.

It was about a week before Azaria’s 21st birthday. She had been sick all week. I had a feeling that Keeley had given her a bug. I hope she would feel better before her birthday, it cost me a lot of money. If she wasn’t I was going to kill Alex and take all his money.

“ I have to go to work but ill be back as soon as I can babe. Will you be Okay?” I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah babe, ill be fine.”

“Well just in case, I’ve called Darcie to come over and play nurse.”

“Babeeeee” she whined. “I’m fine. It’s just a cold.”

“I’ll be the judge of that” Darcie said as she walked in.

“Okay well get better babe and Darcie, look after her.”

“Okay boss” Darcie said she saluted me as I walked out.

The day before her birthday she was feeling better. We went out for lunch and had a walk on our favourite beach. We decided that on the way back we would drop in at Kori and Lexi’s place. They had decided to move in together in a big mansion that could fit both their families. Just after Lexi graduated college they had come up with a really good business plan that would make them money. The plan worked! They have loads of money and Azaria doesn’t know this but the lend me some time to time. That is how I paid for the magnificent birthday surprise that isn’t much of a surprise anymore.

Lexi got married last year to a Lawyer. They now have a little boy named Steele Blair III. He was named after his father and his father was named after his father. Steele is about 2 months old. He is so adorable. Kori on the other hand is not married but surprisingly has a girlfriend that he has been together with since he was in high school. He doesn’t have the courage to marry her. She is pregnant with their second child. Their first is already 5 years old. She got pregnant a couple of months after I started dating Azaria. Mum nearly disowned him but when she set her eyes on little Aurora Jordan she just couldn’t do it.

When we got there it looked like no one was home. I called Kori to see what was happening. “Yeah dude I can’t really talk now. Danielle has gone into labor.”

“WOW, shit man. Well congratulations. Call me when she has had it.”

“Okay I shall keep you posted. Oh and mate, We probably can’t make it to Zari’s birthday. Sorry bro.” Kori shouted in the phone as you could hear screaming in the background.

“nah it’s okay. Just give Dani our love and the new bub. Oh and is Lexi still coming?” I said worried that none of my family would be there.

“yeah she says see you there.”

“Cool. Bye then and again congratulations.” I said then I hung up.

I turned around to Azaria. “Dani has gone into labor and they can’t make it.”

“That’s alright. It’s just a silly birthday.”

She looked really surprised at what we had done to the local school hall. We hired a DJ and had flashing lights hanging everywhere. It looked awesome.

“Oh My God Marc, this is bloody awesome.” She yelled over the music and jumping up and down. I just looked at her like I she was a little kid in a toy store.

“Um.. I mean it’s pretty cool I guess.” she said trying to look older. She must of read my mind and knew I thought she looked like a kid. But she did look stunning in the small black dress the hugged her body. Ill be happy to take that off later.

“I love you Azaria.” I said kissing her then walking off to find Alex.

“Yeah yeah, love you too” she said not concentrating on me but on the champagne fountain.

The night was going very well. I was having fun dancing with Azaria and getting a bit on the drunk side. At the end of the night I got up on the stage and did a speech.

“Zari, Today is your 21st. We have put embarrassing photos of you up and we have given you this freaking awesome as party and I would just like to say that I love you and I can’t wait to marry you and have give you kids and have my way with you when we get home.” At that point of my unplanned speech Alex was rushing me off the stage. As I walk down the stairs I yell “oh and Zari baby.. you are driving home coz I can hardly stand.”

Then it was Azaria’s turn to do a speech.

“First of all I’d just like to say that the DJ was amazing. I’d like to thank my friends and family for being here and for organising this. I have had a fantastic night. It sucks that Dani and Kori couldn’t be here because she is having the baby.” Everybody in the room cheered and then she continued on with her speech.

“I’d lastly like to say that has anyone noticed that i haven’t been drinking all night. Well I’M PREGNANT.”

I was speechless as was the 100 other people in the room. I managed to sober up pretty quickly then. I ran up to Zari and kissed her for what felt like forever. After the speeches we socialised. Everyone was coming up to us and congratulation us. Alex came up to me and gave me a hug and a punch on the arm.

“dude, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know. This is the first time she has mentioned it to anyone apparently.”

“Well congrats mate!”

When we landed it was night time. I got a taxi and it took us to our hotel.

“Babe, the view is great from up here, you can see all the gondolas.” Zari said looking over Italy from our hotel room balcony.

“Zari, get off the balcony. I don’t want you to fall and kill our little baby boy.”

“OH but you don’t care if I die.”

“Of course I do, your giving me a boy.”

She hit me with a pillow and went to bed.

The next day we did everything Azaria wanted to do. We went on a gondola and had pizza and pasta and just had a really good time.  Unfortunately the next 5 days went really quickly and soon we were on our way home. We didn’t get home until really late. As soon as we walked in she went to bed.

At about 3am I woke up to someone screaming in my ear. Azaria was rocking back and forth and hitting me on the back.

She was yelling “Marc, get me to the freaking hospital now, I’m going into labor...”

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 01, 2011 ⏰

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