Chapter Five

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When we first moved in together I had so much fun. Everything was going fine. We were relaxed every night, just snuggling on the couch, watching television, enjoying late night snacks or chocolate ice cream and being able to walk around in just his t-shirt was as good as anything. Then he got a job at a marketing company and started working till all hours of the morning. Sometimes he would come home smelling of women’s perfume. On the weekends, when we would settle down to watch a movie, he would get a phone call and by the time he got off the phone he had missed the entire movie. He would say he has to go and leaves. I decided I didn’t know what I was talking about, so I left it, and things started to slow down, until one day when he left his phone at home and it rang,  of course answered.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi” a women answered me “who is this?” she asked

“This is Azaria, Marc’s fiance” I said in a cold voice “who’s this?”

“Um...this is... I have to go I'm sorry” and the phone went dead.

I chucked the phone back on the table and went to do some housework until Marc got home.

Ten thirty came and went and I was sitting in the kitchen enjoying my glass of red wine, when I decided that I would start the dishes. I put on my rubber gloves on a started to work it was eleven thirty by the time i heard his keys in the door, i silently turned and when the door was closed turned back and rubbed clean another plate.

“Hey” he said quietly

“Hey” I replied not turning

“What’s wrong?” he asked,he can tell some thing's wrong even by looking at me

“Nothing, why would you think that?” I asked

“Your doing the dishes at eleven thirty at night” he said incredulously

“had to do something while I waited for you to come home” I replied coldly

“Why did you wait? I would have come to bed” he asked

“I wanted to see my fiance, is that a crime?”

“You wanted to see me?” he asked “you’ve barely looked at me since I got home” a silent tear fell down my face. I quickly turned my head looked at him for a second and turned around again, focusing my attention on the plate. That was working until he walked up behind me, the heat of his body and his aftershave surrounded me. Thats one thing I always loved about Marc, no matter what time of day, he always smelled lovely.

“Tell me what’s wrong” he said circling  my waist with his arms. Sudden anger burned in me and I threw the plate down, suds going all over the front of my top. Marc stepped back giving me space to turn around.

“Nothing’s wrong!” I yelled

“Then why are you all tense?” he yelled back

I closed my eyes and put my fingers to the bridge of my nose.

“You come home late every night, your never with me even if your in the room and your always on your phone!”

“That’s not true”

“Yes it is a you know it” I retorted “As soon as the phone rings you jump up and within twenty mintues your out the door without even saying goodbye! how am I supposed to know your not fooling around with someone else!?” I asked


“Am I not enough anymore!? Do you not enjoy being with me!”

“Azaria, your just being silly”

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