Chapter One

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SO this is written by me(carly) and my friend steph :)

SORRY if its really crappy, steph normally writes scripts and yeah i help with ideas.


There she is, walking towards me in that beautiful white dress, linking arms with her father. She is gorgeous and in forty five minutes she will be all mine. As future Mrs. Jordan walks down the aisle, I faintly hear the song playing in the background. It is E.T by Katy Perry. Odd song to have at your wedding, I know, but we chose it because it was the song playing in my dad's car when he dropped us off for our first date.

The first time I saw Azaria Naylor was actually at her house when she was 10. I was 12 and best friends with her older brother Alex and it was my first time having a sleepover with a mate. Okay, so I'm not a creep or anything, I didn't fall in love with her right there and then. I actually hated her because she kept annoying Alex and I. She would keep running into Alex's room and shout  

"Alex, Marc quickly come here." 

"What is it this time Azaria? Me and Marc are trying to watch TMNT."Alex would respond.  

When I left the next morning I didn't even say goodbye to her because she was just so annoying and I was hoping she wouldn't come up to me at school.

Azaria and I didn't start dating until I was in year 9 and she was in year 8. We went to different private schools that were connected in a way. Her school was Tintern Girls Grammar School and mine was Southwood Boys Grammar School. When in VCE they connect. Instead of hanging out at school, because we couldn't, I use to go to "Alex's" place all the time. In year 8 she had changed from the little annoying 10 year old I knew. She became really cute when she got to high school. I didn't see her when I was in year 7 and 8 because they moved for their dad's job. They moved back when I started year 9 because his parents got a divorce. Over them 2 years they had both changed but I'm glad it was for the better.

I found out that Alex was in nearly all my classes except 2. He talked about how it was like at a public school and how we have it so much better. He told me that he has made new friends but none as good as me and he told me about Azaria's hot new friends. "She didn't want to move back with mum because she was popular at Yarra Hills Secondary College" he said after showing me a picture of one of her friends on his phone during Maths.

He came over to my house the second weekend back and we went through old memories. Looking back at the book we made and the DVD from Tinternvale Primary School, I nearly started crying. I missed my best friend. I knew from that day that he will be the best man at my wedding, I just didn't know that wedding would be to his sister.

Oh back to the wedding. She had designed her dress herself. She was a typical bad girl. Acted like a boy but dressed like a girl. She would rock up to Queens College car park on a motorbike but was studying fashion. Azaria also designed the bridesmaid's dresses and the men's suits. If I didn't have a say in it though I would have been wearing pink. I shuddered at that thought.

A month after they got back I went and slept at their new house. It was magnificent. From the outside it was stunning and it had a pool the size of the pools at the olympics. They had about 6 acres. I wondered where they got all the money from. The inside was just as good. When I walked in I was greeted by Mrs. Naylor and Azaria. OMG she had changed. Suddenly I heard a screaming, well more like crying. There was that one surprise that I never saw coming. There was a baby in the house. I guess Alex forgot to tell me that one....

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