Chapter Two

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“You have a lot of explaining to do” I told Alex once we were inside and I had stopped my perving on Azaria.

“I’m just going to come right out and say it” he started  “She’s mine” he said quietly.

“What! What the hell did you do when you were at that school?”

“Shush, you don’t need to yell, I may have had a few strong drinks with this girl, Summer, and we kind of.....well you know how it works and then we had a baby, Keeley” he said smiling. “Anyway after she was born Summer said that she wanted to give Keeley up for adoption, but I didn’t want to give her away, she already meant everything to me, so I said I would take care of her, and then Summer left.”

“She left? Just like that?”

“Yeah” he said hanging his head.

Now that little girl was standing next to me as Azaria’s Flower girl. Turns out when Alex said that private school was better he meant it. Before they had Keeley, Summer was Azaria’s best friend, she felt it was right to get Azaria into drugs and alcohol. Alex said that Azaria went of the rails, and in turn meant that her parents were fighting all the time and of course ending in their divorce. That’s when  they moved back here and Azaria found another best friend, Darcie. She was far better than anyone Azaria had chosen in the past and I knew they would be best friends for a while.

Which turned out to be true as Darcie is Azaria’s Maid of Honour. I was glad she had someone to talk over the ‘girly stuff’ with, there was only so much of it I could handle. Darcie was there when I went over to find out Alex’s little secret. She was laying near the pool and was the one who convinced Azaria to take off the massive t-shirt she had on over her bikini and my god when she took it off.....I just about blew a gasket. When she left she was the scrawny little annoying younger sister of my best friend, but now she was toned ,tanned and down right hot and from there I was hooked.

I knew that I made the right choice as I watched her approach, the dress flowing  around her ankles, her long wavy dirty blond hair flowing down the backless dress. She looked beautiful. She was always beautiful to me but right now, she was exquisite. It was the same beauty I saw when I took her to my year 12 formal, she was of course in year 11 but we were allowed to bring anyone. I decided to bring Azaria. Most of the boys in my year questioned it, but I loved her so much I didn’t care.

When I went to pick her up, her brother was ready and down stairs, he said that she was coming in a second. He rolled his eyes and went to check on Keeley. When she finally came down the stairs, we were both playing with Keeley who was giggling wildly at the faces Alex and I were making.  Her father came up behind me and put his arm over my shoulder, I looked up and saw her, she was wearing a long dress, that hugged her waist but flowed to the ground with a little bit of a train, it was deep Purple and had beading around the top. Her hair was up with little curls that went down framing her face. She was smiling ear to ear and I was mirroring her, as was her brother who was speechless. Keeley was squealing with excitement and clapping her hands. She approached me and continued smiling.

“Close your mouth you’ll catch flies” she said, tracing my jaw bone with her finger.

“We should go” Alex said breaking us out of our trance, we looked over at him at him then back at each other before either of us moved.

“Yeah alright” I stuttered as Azaria led me out the door. When we walked into the hall everyone turned and looked at us. Azaria held her head high and we went and found a seat. The night was a blur of dancing, speeches and photos, but at the end of the night everyone got there date and started dancing. I took Azaria to the middle and put my arms around her waist, holding her close to my body. She leaned her head on my chest and put her hands around my neck and looked into my eyes, then I said for the first time words I had being waiting to say for 3 years.

“I Love you”  I said looking into her eyes.

“I Love you too” she replied getting on her tip toes to place a kiss on my lips. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.

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