Chapter 14

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"Can we please go to the park before lunch? Please?" You begged.

"Alright." King Geoff said with a laughing.

You placed you bow around your body and the arrow entangled in the bow. You started to led King Geoff to the to park but instead led him to the abandoned hallway were Ryan and Clare is waiting for you.


Gavin led them to the laboratory. Sam was close behind him ready to grab him in case he decided to try and run.

"Micool, why did he call you King Mogar?" Gavin asked. Michael was standing next to Gavin.

"That's my name King Mogar, King Michael, what they want to call me doesn't matter. That's were i went and disappear, my kingdom, Ragetopa. I never told you guys because i didn't want you think i just hang with you guys to get to King Geoff."

"Well what the bloody hell do you call this?!"

"Protecting Lindsay and my kingdom."

"How do you even know about this?"


"Here we are.." 

"Holy shit. I didn't think that you and Geoff were smart enough to pull something like this off, wow." Ray said.

"Yea, why did you want me to bring you here?"

"Shut it down." Michael said.

"What! We are so close to getting it to work! We have been working on this for years."

"Shut. It. Down. NOW GAVIN!" 



"NO NO! Alright. Ill start shutting it down..."


You backed King Geoff against the wall. When you got to the abandoned hall way.

"What? What are you doing Arrow?!" 

"I like that dress on you Arrow. Fits you  well." Ryan said walking up to you with Clare next to him.

"Are you checking out my girlfriend?!" King Geoff grinding hes teeth together.

"Who ever said she was your girlfriend?" Ryan said.

"Thanks Ryan." You said than walked over to his side. He kissed you and of course you kissed him back.

King Geoff was still against the wall as he watched you to kiss. He stood there in shock. 

After you broke the kiss you took you drew your bow and aimed it at King Geoff. 

"A-arrow whats going on?"

"Well you see Geoff, I'm helping my boyfriend get hes crown back and stopping you from taking over the world."

"But I already have the crown, I'm your boyfriend."

"Why are you being so stupid? Ryan's my boyfriend, did you not just see us kiss? Plus why would i want to be the girlfriend of a mad man who wants to take over the world? Just give it up! Michael and Ray are with my brother forcing Gavin to shut down the lazer."

"How do you know about that?" 

"Oh Gavin showed me not long before i left."

"Well he wont shut it down! We spent years on that! Oh and KERRY!!" 

"You called my King?"

"Its nothing Kerry, you can go back to playing games or what ever it was that you were doing." Ryan said.

Arrow (Ryan Haywood fanfic) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now