Chapter 4

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'She will be here soon. Everything must be perfect. I must fix my mistakes i made the night of the party.' Mad King Ryan thought to him self. He was setting up a perfect dinner. He wanted to fix the mistakes he made the night of the party. All week he was thinking of how he went to far and wanted to make up for it.

"Sir, she is on her way up." One one Mad King Ryan's servants said. "Would you like me to have someone place her bags in you room?" 

"Yes, thank you Kerry." 

"Your welcome your Majesty." Kerry said before walking out.

You walked in not to long after Kerry left. "My king what is all this."

"I had a special dinner prepared just for you. Knowing that you will be hungry after the long bout ride back. Also, it is an apology for the way i acted at the party two weeks ago. I was moving to fast for your liking I'm sure and I'm sorry. Please lets start over and have a nice dinner." 

"After i tired to kill you.. twice. You want to just start over like that didn't happen." 

"Maybe one day in the future i could punish you for that."

"What makes you think you will be the lucky one my King?"

"Because i don't plan on giving up. You will be mine one day. Although i could tell that you already are mine. You are still wearing the bracelet i gave you." 

You blush finally realizing that you haven't taken it off, only to sleep and shower. 'I can't fall for him. I'm am King Geoffs girlfriend. I must not fall for the mad King.' You think to yourself

"Lets just have a nice dinner."

You and Mad King Ryan had a very nice dinner, everything went well. After dinner he offers you a tour of the castle.

"Would you like a tour of the castle Miss Arrow?"

"Yes please King Ryan. I would like to see ho it has changed since Geoff was King." You and King Geoff were very close. In fact, you to were dating although no one knew.

"You were here often when he was king?" King Ryan asked with much curiosity.

"Yes i was. I know of many secret areas of the castle, although i was never allowed near them. Geoffs orders. There is only one secret place i was allowed to go to, and that was in the garden. Can we go to the garden my king please." You said grabbing his hand and practically dragging him there.

"I don't see why not." The king said laughing a sweet laugh. One you could get use to hearing.

Once in the garden you showed him the sercert place King Geoff built for you. There was small bush's shaped like arrows a bench with an arrow carved in it. King Ryan was amazed by everything.

"Wow. Geoff sure did have a thing for arrows." Ryan said not connecting the arrows to you.

"No he didn't actually.. My King whats the name i told you to call me."

"Arrow." He said finally connecting the two. "This was built for you wasn't it. You were his serect love."

"Yes, i was. I hope that doesn't make you think any different of me."

"Of course not miss Arrow." He said walking over to you. Until now he was standing behind the entrance. "I will never give up Miss Arrow, as i said before, i will make you mine one day." 

He places hes arms around your waste, respecting personal boundaries by not placing hes hand in the back pockets of your jean shorts, although he really wanted to. You placed your arrows around hes neck and went for a kiss. You missed the feeling of hes lips on yours although you only kissed once.

Even after he broke the kiss you to stood in each others arms until you had to go home.

Arrow (Ryan Haywood fanfic) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now