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Allison had sneaked in, Five had jumped in, Diego had crashed in, and (Y/N)... well, she just opened the door. They all split up, Diego and Five staying on the ground floor, moving into the kitchen and living room, whilst Allison ventured up the stairs and continuing on to the attic with (Y/N) rolling her eyes at the slow progression.

Once Allison finally saw what was in the attic, she called out to her brothers. The two of them came running at the sound of her voice; what they saw was astounding.

Almost every single square inch of the dark, decrepit, room, was covered in posters and merchandise, all focused around the Umbrella Academy. On each poster, the children's eyes were scratched out. The small figurines had their heads melted.

"Well, that's not creepy. This guy's got some serious issues," Diego states.
"Well done Diego, you've managed to figure out the blatantly obvious. Do you want a fucking medal?" (Y/N) sneered, she was clearly in a mood.

Allison perked up after a moment of thinking.
"This was never about Vanya. This was about us."
"Well, you guys. Not me. I may have a fucked up background, but my dad never told a little kid that he would never be special, or something like that... I've got a lot of alternate universe memories sitting in here," (Y/N) looks at them as they stare back at her, all with scrunched eyebrows. The group then turned back to look at the melted figurines.

There was a small chorus of 'shit' before there was a pause.
"Uh, Allison, you may wanna catch Five," (Y/N) said nonchalantly, still keeping her eyes trained on the figures.
"What, why?" But now it was too late. Five fell to the ground with a groan and a thud.

Allison and Diego crouched down to see what was wrong with their '13-year-old' brother.
"Wh- Blood?" Allison murmured.
"Mid-torso, right side. Bullet wound," (Y/N) told them in a blase tone. Allison pulled up the bottom of his shirt and saw the bullet buried within his flesh.
"(Y/N), what the hell?! Why didn't you say anything if you knew?" Diego yelled.
"A, it's his responsibility and B, he deserved it."
"How does he deserve this?" Allison almost shrieked.
"He's guilty of something that obviously concerns me and he won't tell me what."
"So? Don't you know everything and can't you just read his mind or something?" Both two and three were confused and ganging up on the small adolescent.
"There's is such a thing as privacy, you know? I may be a bitch sometimes but I know how to respect people's private thoughts now that I can control it. And as for the knowing everything, I do but there are aspects of my childhood that have apparently been blocked, I don't know how but they just have been," (Y/N) was now fairly defensive, her arms no longer being crossed but actually wrapping around her torso and her feet moving her slowly backwards.
"Sometimes privacy doesn't matter, if it's important enough..." Diego muttered slightly.
"Look, what's more important to you guys, helping him live or interrogating me?"
"Alright, fine, let's go."

Diego and Allison picked up Five and began to quickly escort him out of the house and into the back of the car. (Y/N) slid into the back and kind of just sat there. Her hands were fidgeting in her lap. Her thoughts were running in her mind. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Yes she knew that everything would be okay, but she couldn't help but feel a paralyzing darkness spread throughout her chest.

After the car had started and they had begun their journey back to the academy, (Y/N) looked out of the window and then back at the injured boy beside her. For one of the first times ever, he looked vulnerable. He was not a serial killer that withheld secrets and anguish, no. Instead, he was just a young boy trying to save the world. A young boy who had, somehow, managed to get her wrapped around his finger, as he knotted up her heartstrings and tugged on them with every breath he took. (Y/N) looked at him for a moment and genuinely took a moment of silence. She didn't try and analyse him, or predict anything. She just looked at him.

She saw as he twitched for a moment and her instincts took over her. Her fingers quickly wrapped around his hand, loosely.

'Sometimes privacy doesn't matter, if it's important enough...'

Diego's words kept on echoing throughout her head. Maybe it wouldn't to take a sneak peak inside that noggin'o'his. Maybe.

(Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on Five.

Allison and Diego were holding Five and trying their best to quickly get him to the couch. (Y/N) was following close behind, a little sniffle arising every one in a while. Allison had mentioned that they should've taken him to the hospital but that was quickly shut down when (Y/N) explained that a 13-year-old boy with a bullet in his side is a bit suspicious.

Once Five was set down on the couch, Diego walked off. (Y/N) rolled her eyes but knelt down beside Five.
"Go get me some sterilised tweezers and a med kit."
"Why don't I just ask Grace to do it?"
"Because you have me, Number Three, now go," this small girl was filled with agitation and Allison was perplexed as to why.

When Allison arrived back with what (Y/N) had asked for, she found her glaring at Five. When she received the equipment, (Y/N) got to work removing the shrapnel. After all was removed, she cleaned all the surrounding blood, not being very gentle in the process. She placed a piece of bandage over the wound and held it there as she gestured for Allison to help her carry him to his room.

The task of getting him up to his bed proved difficult whilst Diego was off doing god knows what, somewhere else in the academy, but they managed to do it nonetheless. While Five laid there, (Y/N) began to cover the wound with some medical cloth and tape. Allison walked outside of the room to relax a little and ended up talking to Diego, as (Y/N) finished the job.

Once the wound was covered (Y/N) just stared at Five. She took a deep breath in, not feeling as though it was enough. Her lungs were expanding but it didn't feel as though there was any oxygen. Her heart was pounding but still her chest felt hollow. There was an ache in her throat as she tried to fight the tears, and the whimper that accompanied them. Her lip quivered and her eyes stung. The breath in her lungs left quickly and she took another deep breath.

"This is all your fault, Five. You did this. You ruined me."

A/N: Woah, dramatic much? Ok, so, I hope you guys enjoyed that, updating might be a little bit difficult for the next three weeks but I'm gonna do my best because I've watched season two and I have too many plans already to not finish season one of this for you guys, soon. So yeah.
Another thing that I wanted to mention is that, if any of you are interested, my friend @iamaweirdobutitsok has just started a Diego x Reader which actually runs alongside mine (it's called 'Unknown'), so basically, the character Dani, from this book, will be the reader in her book. But yeah, it's gonna be sick, you should definitely check it out if you like Diego.
Okay, that's it from me, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, and have a good week everyone, bye (also check out my YouTube channel - find_the_hill - next week I'm taking a look at a video from TLC)

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