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"Five?" Vanya called as she walked at a brisk pace throughout her childhood home. After waking up to find the two children gone, she feared that something may have happened to them.
"(Y/N)?" She tried the girl's name, hoping that she remembered it correctly. Vanya climbed the stairs and eventually reached her brother's old room, in which she found Five and his new friend.

Five stood, looking out the window, while (Y/N) sat on his bed.
"Oh thank God." Vanya breathed as she saw them. Relief washed over her as she realised that they were ok.
"I was worried sick about you." She told them both, all the while taking some and cautious steps towards the pair. Five turned towards his beloved sister with his lips pursed.
"Sorry I left without saying goodbye." He said without any prompt from anyone.
"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry." Vanya contradicted. Five made his way over to her, hands in his pockets, as she explained about how she was dismissive and tried to come up with a reason for the way that she had spoken.
"Maybe you were right to be dismissive," Five interrupted himself with a small scoff as he turned to his desk, "maybe it wasn't real after all." He suggested. A feeble lie that he told to make Vanya feel more at ease.
"It felt real... well... like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." Five turned back around after fiddling with an old toy.
"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to." She began.

Vanya told Five about her therapist and proposed that she give him the information for contacting said therapist. Five thanked her for the offer but refused and moved his line of vision to the girl sat on his bed. She has sat her hands in her forehead and closed her eyes as though she was thinking deeply.
"I think I'm just gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I've had a good sleep." He explained to her.
"Okay... but what about (Y/N)... is she ok." At the mention of her name, (Y/N) looked up to the two standing in the middle of the room. She asked a simple one worded question: "what?" To which Vanya repeated hers.
"I... I'm ok, I just. My mind keeps getting caught up, I think I've overworked myself. I shall do as Five shall and rest. I think it's for the best. Sleep has alluded me for many a year." Vanya stared at her in awe at her choice of words.
"Alright well, I'll let you two get to it then." She smiled and turned on her heel, walking out of the door and back down the stairs.

When the two could hear her footsteps on the stairs they raced to the door to check that she was not within earshot. As they reached the door a loud clatter sounded throughout the room, the source of which: a man emerging from the small closet next to the door.
"That's so... touching, all that stuff about family and dad and time. Wow!" Klaus gasped as he stepped on Five's childhood toys.
"Would you shut up? She'll here you!" Five claimed and pointed to the door.
"I'm moist." Klaus carelessly spoke over the young girl who was stating that Vanya was out of earshot. Five looked at his brother, up and down, scanning his outfit.
"I thought I told you to put on something professional." Five fumed.
"Don't bother, that is his nicest outfit, Five. You may as well go and look in your fathers wardrobe. There's bound to be something professional in there as I gather that's all he wore." (Y/N) jumped into the conversation.
"Thank you for your wonderful incite." Five stayed with a more than extremely sarcastic smile. The three of them walked out of the small, boyish. bedroom.
"Whatever, as long as I get paid." Klaus commented.
"When the job is done."
"Y'know, I kept forgetting that your British. I look at you and I think American but then you speak and Im like woah... you're fucking British." Klaus mumbled about (Y/N) who was walking in front of them.

When they exited the room and entered the hallway Klaus stopped them, wanting to straighten out the finer details.
"I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" He questioned, his eyes trained on Five.
"Yeah something like that." Five nodded quickly.
"And what about (Y/N)? Is she your girlfriend? Yes! She is! Just like your mother and- no.... no, no, no, no, no. We weren't in a relationship."
"What? What are you talking about?" The short kid questioned with a flat face.
"Our cover story, I mean, was I really young when I had you? Like, 16? Like, young and... terribly misguided?" He asked.
"Sure, just (Y/N) and I will not be-"
"Will be in a relationship... which is why I'm happy that you found someone you can be happy with because all I had was your mother, that SLUT! Whoever she was, we met at... the disco." He nodded as he confirmed it in his mind. Klaus chuckled and continued. "Okay? Remember that. And oh my god! The sex was amaaaaazing! Oh! And that reminds me, you two are going to have to show some sort of PDA while we're there. You need to be a convincing coup-"
"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." Five started.
"Honestly you make me ashamed to call myself a human." (Y/N) finished, all the while a blush creeped up her neck and onto her cheeks, coating them in a warm, rosey, blanket.
"Hey, don't make me put you guys in time out."

A/N: Next chapter I hope to be up on Saturday, literally on that day. I had my first day off in ages today. It was kind of ok, but yeah. I have a lot more free time. I hope you guys are enjoying your summer so far. Same message as usual, sorry for this being so late, any errors let me know and I'll fix them and I think that's it. OH! And another thing, is you have and suggestions as to what I could add in for certain parts of the story based around the actual time line and events of the series, I'd be happy to take them into account when writing future chapters.
Thank you for reading, have a good week everyone.

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