(Chapter 15)

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Where was the money? Was there any money?

I approached, cautiously, and my fingertips made contact with a box. It wasn’t empty – not at all. It was filled with something heavy. Lead, maybe? It was impossible to push or move. I gritted my teeth. I definitely had to go through this “maze”, then?

There was a gap in the boxes, big enough for me to fit through. I bit my lip. Should I do this? This was obviously some elaborate scheme cooked up to trap my kidnapper. My Dad was good, I had to admit.

How did the three men come into this?

No. No time to hesitate. I get the money for Josh, and he can save his family. The end.

I slid through the gap, ignoring the pain in my stomach, and was immediately confronted by a dark, dusty path. I bit my lip, and forced my feet to move forward.

A creak suddenly echoed through the empty warehouse, and I froze. Adrenaline pumped through my system, and I could hear the blood pumping against my ear drums. I fought against every instinct in my body that told me to run fast, and run far. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my –

Then there was nothing, no sound whatsoever.

My breathing slowed, and I let myself relax. After about half a minute – though it seemed like half and hour – I walked forwards again.

I reached a fork.

Left or right? Left or right?

I closed my eyes. Let’s go…Right.

I took the right, and I was greeted by another fork this time. I had a pang of desperation. Damn it – I was right. It was a bloody maze. I had to remember how to get back, if I wanted to get out again. I’d just gone right. This time…I’ll go left.

It was so hard to think, with the throbbing pain in my stomach, and the fact that my head felt like it was about to burst. I bit on my tongue, trying to clear my head. I took a deep breath in, and carried on.

There was a thudding sound from the right.

I struggled to stifle the gasp that left me lips. I failed.

There was a moment of pure silence. Then there were footsteps. A blur of footsteps, indistinguishable, but I didn’t have to distinguish them to be able to know how many people were coming. Three people were coming towards me.


I abandoned the whole stealth thing, and just ran for it.

Another fork, another choice. I’m going…Right.

Another choice. Left.

Another turn.

Another corner.


I slammed into a box, and almost fell over. Something textured met my fingers. Leather. Leather…?

A suitcase.

I ripped it open, and even in the darkness, I could see the money, the piles of green paper, the stupid things that Josh was willing to trade me for. Suddenly, I wanted to cry. I wanted to burn the suitcase. This is what Josh wanted more than me? This is what he chose over me?!

Why does money even matter?

Suddenly, there was a hand on my shoulder, and I tensed up. They got to me.

I spun around, my foot making contact with the attacker’s muscled stomach. It was kind of like kicking a brick wall. He fell over, but recovered quickly. Damn it. A kick like that could’ve taken a regular person out.

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