(Chapter 6)

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“Why not? I want the bigger bedroom!”

“Because I’m meant to be the kidnapper!”

I glared at him.

“Are we really going to do this again?”

“Until you give me the bigger bedroom, yeah!”

Okay, it’s not like we were only arguing for the sake of it – there were only two bedrooms, one was about the size of my bath-tub back home, and the other was about the size of my closet. Basically, one room was crappy and small, and the other room was crappy and semi-decent-sized.

We played rock-paper-scissors. I lost, so obviously I got the bigger bedroom.



“Dinner’s done!” London yelled. We’d come to the agreement that if she cooked, she could have the bigger bedroom. Mainly because I didn’t care, and I couldn’t cook. And also the fact that I realized the bigger bedroom didn’t have heating.

“Great!” I yelled, running down the stairs, shaking out my wet hair. I’d just had a shower. “What did you make?”

I stopped when I smelt it.

“What the fuck is that?”

“Chocolate spaghetti. Chocolate sauce and noodles. Try it, it’s really nice. Oh, and you shouldn’t swear.”

I sat down next to her, picking up my fork.

“Oh, that’s really great,” I said, watching her scarf down the noodles, “coming from the girl who swore on national television.”

“That was to distract the police,” she said, in a way that she probably thought was wise. It didn’t work, because she was licking the bowl. I stabbed my fork into the chocolate mess, and put it back on the table. I’d completely lost my appetite. “You swear on purpose.”

She looked at my bowl. “Aren’t you going to eat that?”

I grimaced at her. I’ll just settle with the two candy bars I had in my pocket.

She took it to mean yes, and picked up my bowl. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t groan. It was gross the way she inhaled food like air, but…

She smiled at me, her mouth covered with chocolate.

It was kind of cute too.

Should I tell her the truth, about my past? Maybe she’ll sympathize. Maybe she’ll forgive me.

Yeah, right.



My teeth chattered, and I shivered. Why the hell was it so cold in here? There was electricity in this house. That was how I cooked the yummy noodles (speaking of those noodles, I’m actually starving!). And I could have sworn that I switched on the heating.

I curled into the smallest ball that was humanely possible, but somehow my body temperature remained about minus a billion. Surely there was a radiator in this room? There had to b –

Nope. No radiator. Damn it. That’s why Josh gave in so easy.

“Josh,” I called, crawling out of bed, and fully-exposing myself to the freezing-ness of my room. Not that there was much difference between the temperature in my bed and out of it. “Are you awake?”

I knocked on his door to, you know, show respect and everything, before I barged in.

“Oi!” I yelled, jumping on his bed. Bouncy.

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