Part 22

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"Do it EX. Just kill me."

Xisuma spat, hiding his fear and cowardness in the back of his head. If he was honest, he was horrified, standing in front of his own brother. He had no weapons, no shield, nothing. X couldn't even bother with the commands, if he knew EX even a little, he'd know he messed them up again. Trying was useless.

"but where's the fun in that~?"

The evil counterpart laughed, taking a step forward, a lightning strike only a centimeter away from where his foot hit the ground. God has it been a while since X had last seen this.

The admin looked at him with fear and confusion, what did he mean? His questions were soon answered by the obvious clatter of a sword hitting the ground.

X looked down, a shiny enchanted diamond sword by his foot, he recognized as his own from the Hermitcraft server, assuming this wasn't the same place.

"Why did you -"

New observation. Evil X doesn't like warning people before he slashed his half bloody sword at them.

The admin jumped back, just managing to Dodge the attack. He paused for a second, realizing that EX wasn't going to kill him so easy, for it was no fun. The bee man took the second he had of safety to run around the evil counterpart, grabbing his sword on the way. He was greated by that blood scented murder weapon yet again, this time aimed at his chest. Now having somthing he can use to block, he slashed his sword down just fast enough to block his chest from being cut open.

That's when it hit him. He wanted to live. Xisuma wanted to live, to fix all of this and not give up so easily.

The brit looked at his twin, his mismatched eyes filled with nothing but Deturmination and anger. He was going to win. X wasn't going to die, he was going to fix this.

Swinging his sword back and forth, Beesuma managed to get closer to his evil counterpart, X smiled, kicking him in the chest as a way to shove him back and get the upper hand. EX stumbled back, glaring Daggers into the other male. Evil X found his balance again, greeted by Xisuma's teal and shiny sword. He tried to Dodge to the side, failing as Xisuma's blade sliced through the side of his arm, drawing quite abit of blood.

"You little-"

Evil X spat, stumbling back and gripping onto his shoulder in pain. Beesuma took this moment to his advantage, slashing his sword at him again, missing.

Evil X had enough, taking few steps forward, lightning striking the ground beside his Baige boots. He dropped his sword aside, bunching at Xisuma. The admin dodged, swinging his sword at EX who dodged, shoving Xisuma away. EX grabbed the admins arm, his grip tighter then if you can obsedian aorund your wrist.

Xisuma panicked, trying to kick the evil counterpart away, EX just moved aside, using his free arm to grab the sword out of X's hand, throwing it down to the ground harshly, the diamond shattering into shards across the potzol.

EX shoved him back into a tree, walking up to him before he could recover. The evil brit grabbed the yellow-golden fabric aroubg Xisuma's neck from his armor. He held him up, pure rage boiling in the red-armored male.

Tears started to form in the admins eyes, pain shooting up from his back, untill it dissapeared, replaces with adrenaline he didn't know he still had.

"you're useless X, useless!"

Evil Xisuma spat with a grin, bringing back his arm to punch the stiff male in front of him. He followed his plan through, though seconds before his fist made contact with the Xisuma's face, he was stopped.

X held onto his wrist, stopping it by his head. Xisuma shoved EX away freeing from his grip on his shirt. He landed with a small thud, rubbing his neck and catching his breath.

EX fixed his posture, throwing afew punches at X, who dodged most of them, the second last one hitting his jaw. X rubbed his jaw in pain, the adrenaline taking over the pain within Seconds. Xisuma picked up a shard of the diamonds sword, using it as his new weapon.

The two fought for may have felt like hours. Fists and shards and blood. EX shoved him back once again, now holding his old bloody iron sword to his neck.

"Give up Xisumavoid, you already lost"

EX smirked, taking off his helmet eith his free hand and throwing it aside.

Why? Dramatic effect.

His eyes were a cold red, afew scars scattered around his face, a noticible one across his nose. EX was noticeably paler then Xisuma, his skin tone more gray. Evil X had long white hair down in a low ponytail that was somehow hidden by the helmet.

Xisuma didn't answer, the adrenaline had faded and the pain took over. He couldn't move, eveything hurt. X wanted to get up, to stab that stupid diamond shard he held in his hand into his chest. It didn't make him any better then EX, they would've both been nothing more then murders if he killed him.

With a final chuckle and smile, EX raised the sword, swinging it down blade down, a satisfying woosh hung in the air for a moment, followed by the distant footsteps as Exil Xisuma walked away.
His job was done. And most importantly, he had fun.




I love writing fighting scenes, and this is my first Not-For-Fun one, how'd I do?

Sadly, this book must come to an end..
Next part is the last one.
The last of this fun adventure.

I have a new AU I'm working on that I'll post here! Give it a few days and I'll hopefuly start posting about it :D

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