Part 12

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"What did.. what did it say?"

Grian asked, curious to what got the relaxed admin so worked up.

"We should get going"

X mumbled, starting to walk along relatively fast, Iskall silently following, Grian and Tango looked at each other with a sigh, catching up.

the silence was starting to get to Tango's head, the American starting to hum a random tune, tapping the wall as he walked along. the first few moments staying the same, no one saying anything and Tango humming along and tapping against the wood wall, every turn in the hallway only led to a moment of silence as he moved from one wall to another, the silence never sticking long.

"would you please stop?"

Grian hissed rather aggressively, getting a mumble of an apology from Tango, silence filling the hallways yet again. A muffled sniffle came from Iskall, getting everyone's attention as the Swede stopped in his tracks, wiping away the waterfall of tears pouring down from his eye(s?).

"Iskall? are you okay?"

Grian asked, reaching out to try and hug the swede, Iskall shoving him away angrily, leaving grian shocked on the ground.

"Does it look like I'm okay Grian?! Does it look like I'm FUCKING OKAY?"

Iskall yelled, his voice echoing through the short hallway, Grian somehow more shocked than before. The shorter male now in tears, Iskalls sword pointed at him just from Iskalls instinct.

"What the crap is wrong with you?!"

Tango pulled Iskall away from Grian, turning the swede to face him, Iskall staring into Tangos ruby eyes, anger and sadness the only thing in his own brown eye.

"I get you're upset Iskall, but that doesn't mean you have to take your anger out at us!"

Tango tried to keep his cool, staring into the swedes eyes before Iskall pulled away from him. Iskall proceeds to walk ahead of the group waving at them to continue on. Everyone else continued walking as Tango helped Grian up, the silence taking over the group for the millionth time. Yet this time it felt longer, they walk for what felt like hours till they came to a wall.

"Did we turn a wrong corner that led to a dead-end or..?"

Xisuma looked around, finding a button behind Grian, the read sweatered male turning to face it.

"Wait! Grian don't!"

X tried to grab Grian's arm, a tad too late.

Click. Click. Click.

"Holding shift-"

Tango held back a swear, everyone's reactions similar, Iskall on the other hand, taking out his Sword, getting a reaction filled with disbelief from Xisuma. X grabbed the Swede by the hood and dragged him past the wither, running before the wither could even see them. Iskall dropped the sword, Tango running behind them, no one noticing the missing hermit until a bright green sparkle from the totem appeared behind them, followed by a message in the chat.

[Grian was stabbed to Death]


Iskall yelled, trying to pull away from Xisuma's grip, failing miserably due to the Bee-mans strong grip. The group continued running, turning the first corner they ran into, finally getting far enough not to render in the Wither, stopping to take a breath.

"What were you thinking Iskall?! Are you trying to get yourself killed too!"

Xisuma tried not to yell, only half succeeding while also trying to keep his tears back. Iskall sat on the ground, choking out yet another sob, curling up into a small ball against the wall. Tango stood a few blocks away, trying to catch his breath, still shocked from what had just happened, the adrenaline starting to finally wear off.

"I could've saved him! WE could've saved him!"

Iskall half yelled half mumbled, Tango bringing up an interesting question.

"Sorry to address the elephant in the room, but it says Grian was Stabbed, the wither doesn't have hands, meaning he can't hold a sword."

The other two looked at the red-eyed male, thinking for a second before an "Oh" came from both, Iskall jumping to his feet to look over the corner, seeing Grian with a sword, Iskall's sword, in his back. Iskall turned away, the scene forcing more tears into his eyes,

"Can we just.. Get going and try to fix this?"

Tango half mumbled, the two Europeans nodding, starting to walk away from the 8th death in this mansion. 


oh God thank you so much Haydenflames there is no way I'd be able to actually finish this without you -


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