Gonna Take A Miracle

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Aimes Pov.
And before we knew it. The JV vs Varsity game had come. Everyone was here, Casey, Linda, Mr. Banks, even Elaine was back to watch. 

“Fasten your seat belts and hold onto your hats everyone. Oh do we have a special showdown for you” the announcer boy, whose name I finally learned was Josh spoke on the loudspeaker “David vs Goliath in a titanic grudge match. The winner can truly say the he is the symbol of Eden Hall”

Oh boy does this kid like to talk.

“Tonight the Eden Hall varsity Warriors do battle with the Eden Hall freshman Ducks. That’s right folks look at those uniforms, the sign of the Ducks is here at Eden Hall for at least one night”

“This is for Hans” I told everyone as we got ready to go onto the ice.

“For Hans” Charlie nodded.

Everyone nodded as we all went out. We skated around in a circle in front of our net as usual. But this time we held a gloveless hand to the ice.

“It appears they’re paying homage to their departed friend and mentor Hans. The touching of the ice is a Norwegian symbol of respect” Josh spoke over the loudspeaker.

Finally saying something helpful.

“Alright. Let’s go hunting for goose eggs huh?” Orion told us.

“Come on hands in” I smiled.

“On three… Quack” we all looked up at Orion.

I smiled so wide I thought my teeth would fall out.

“One two three, quack, quack, quack, quack” we chanted, all our ‘fans’ cheering from the stands as well.

I remembered the peewee playoff game against the Hawks. Everyone in the stands cheering Quack for us. I felt it again at the Goodwill Games, and I’m feeling it again now. It’s a feeling you can’t explain, but you know it’s there, and you know how important it is to us.

We skated out onto the ice and Adam was taking face off.

“You’re gonna wish like hell you stuck with us” I heard Riley scoff.

“Save the trash talk” Adam deadpanned.

That’s my boy.

As soon as the puck was dropped Adam got slammed to the ground. Why is it always him? We skated around chasing after the Varsity who had the puck. They weaved past us, but luckily Julie stopped it.

They shot again but Goldberg stopped it with his toe. They crowded around Julie, but the whistle was blown and we set up to face off again.

I saw Orion point at Russ

“Russ you're off for Fulton” I told him.

“Alright Aimes” he nodded, and Fulton came on.

Charlie faced off for the puck, knocking down the Varsity! He passed it to me and I passed it to Dwyane who dodged being slammed up against the boards. Then the varsity were slammed up by Fulton.

Varsity got the puck back, and shot, but it was once again saved by Julie. Charlie took it around the net, but was slammed against the boards. Another shot saved, and I nearly iced it, but Varsity stopped it, moving up to swarm us. But the cat strikes again, saving it. Charlie pulled it around and iced it.

“Way to hang tough” I nodded to Charlie and Julie.

“Those guys keep charging,” Guy sighed, skating up to us “What are we gonna do here?”

“We gotta stand up to em. Play a little defence, alright” I smiled.

“Alright let’s go!” Charlie nodded.

We were back in the game. Varsity tossed it around, passing it between all of us, before nearly getting a goal.

“Clear the puck, come on!” Julie called out.

“Clear the puck!” I yelled “Get on it defence!”

We all got in there and cleared it out. Dwyane took it down the ice, and nearly got a goal but it was saved. Varsity took it back and skated us back up to our side. They started shoving us around, until Julie dived for it, and we set up again.

“Nice save Cat lady” Goldberg nodded.

“Thanks Goldberg” Julie nodded.

In the second period, there were still no goals. But varsity was flipping us and slamming us around twice as much. We had to keep switching in and out because we were getting slammed.

At one point they slammed Averman into the board as he was falling down from being slammed.

“Aw it’s so pretty up there” Averman smiled in delusion as Futon and Dwayne helped him over to the bench.

“Good job Averman” I nodded, patting him on the back.

“Hiya coach” Averman smiled goofily.

“Okay son. Come on take a seat” Orion nodded.

“Now watch yourselfs Ducks, they're head hunting huh. Fulton Goldberg change it up” Orion ordered.

They weaved it around again, pushing it behind the net. Julie went to get it but they tripped Goldberg and her behind the net. Julie almost missed it, but she crawled to a beautiful glove save.

Guy was slammed up against the boards, I cringed as he fell.

“Oh blow something reff come on!” Orion yelled.

“He’s not getting up” Connie noticed.

Her and I quickly scrambled onto the ice.

“You’ll be alright partner” Dwyane nodded.

“Guy! Are you okay!” exclaimed, sliding down beside him.

“Are you alright?” Connie asked, going the same.

“He’ll be alright girls, give him a bit of space” the ref told us.

Fulton pulled me up, as the medics came out onto the ice. 

“I’m alright. I can skate” Guy assured them.

He was holding his arm. He could skate, but could he hold his stick?

“It’s alright Guy we’ll get him back” Charlie assured.

“Yeah” Adam nodded.

Everyone cheered as Guy was helped off the ice. I was angry now. I’m gonna kill a Varsity.

It was the end of 2nd period and we were all feeling the adrenaline. Charlie was on a break away and was just beat by the buzzer. I was annoyed, but at least they haven’t scored on us either.

“You’re playing hard, I’m proud of you guys” Orion nodded as we all sat in the locker room 

“They’re cheap shotting us to death coach” Luis sighed.

“I know they are. I know they are” he nodded.

“It’s gonna take a miracle for us to hold on” Averman sighed.

Suddenly someone bursted through the locker room door.

“Dean Portman is awarded a full athletic and academic scholarship to the Eden Hall academy” none other than Dean portman himself read.

“Dean!” I yelled, running up and hugging him.

It was easy because I always take off my skates and pads during halftimes.

“I had this lying around the house in Chicago. My attorney thought I should sign it. I agreed” Dean smiled with an arm around my shoulder “It’s official guys. I’m back!” Dean cheered.

Everyone else smiled and went to hug him, as I walked over to Charlie and Orion.

“Bombay” Charlie and I smiled in unison.

We felt like a family again. 


I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now