Hey Number 9

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Aimes Pov.
It was our first Duc- I mean Warriors... game. I was really nervous. Without Adam I was really anxious. Charlie sat beside me, pulling me into a side hug.

“It’s alright Aimes. He’s right in the audience, and I’m right here with you” he smiled.

I nodded and looked up to see Adam. He was sitting with the rest of Varsity. He smiled at me when we locked eyes. I smiled back and blew him a kiss before turning to the team. 

“Alright gather around” Orian beckoned “Come on hustle up!” we all crowded around “Alright, think defence” were his last words.

“Alright hands in” I called.

We started to Quack but Orian stopped us.

“Hey hey hey! What the hell’s that? Knock that off! Go team on two okay. One two”

“Go team” we all mumbled.

The whistle blew, the game was starting.

“Go team how original” Charlie sighed.

“Just get in the game Charlie” I half smiled, patting his back.

“Let’s do it twins!” Fulton encouraged.

We smiled and skated off. 

“Point of fact Charlie Conway’s not wearing his traditional C. He’s been this team's captain since they played in District 5 alongside his sister Aimes. I guess Coach Orian’s making a statement” the announcer called out. I wished he’d shut up.

Charlie saw staring at something in the stands. I saw it was Linda, yay she came! Suddenly I was on the ice and Charlie was on top of me. We crashed.

“Oh nice one. Again Spazway?” I groaned

“Sorry Aimes” Charlie cringed. 

I chuckled and skated to center ice. I took face off and instantly shot it back to Charlie. Charlie and Fulton took it up the ice, me following to back up. Charlie skated around, spinning around the other players, something Adam had taught him. He quickly passed to me and I scored. The crowd cheered. I smiled and looked around. Adam was standing up clapping but was instantly pulled down by Riley. I frowned, what jerks. We cheered as we passed by the guys on the bench.

“Alright knock of the celebration! Act like you’ve scored before!” Orian yelled.

Ugh! Give me a break! We’re just happy!

I heard Julie complaining about being bored from the net. Russ set up for a knuckle puck, hitting the goalie square in the face and I tipped it in. We cheered again. Luis was now on. 

The Bears passed it a bit before we took it. I passed to Luis who took it down. He scored but ended up crashing into the boards after jumping over the net. We cheered and helped Luis up. He just fell down again. We laughed as Dwayne taunted the other team with his puck handling and scored again. Julie was just skating around the net, she hadn’t had much to do. 

I passed it up to Fulton and shot it into a player's hand, making him spin until he let go and it went into the net. We laughed and cheered.

“Nice one Fulton!” I smiled.

“Thank you, your Majesty” he bowed.

As I was sitting on the bench I saw Kenny ask Russ how to talk trash.

“It can’t be taught Kenny man. I mean it’s gotta be the first thing that comes to your mind. You just gotta go for it. Try it” Russ told him.

“Okay. Hey Ref-”

“Oh Russ stop him!” I rushed out as Russ put his hand over Kennys mouth.

I'm Aimes Bombay • The Royal Duo Pt. 3 | Mighty DucksWhere stories live. Discover now