Chapter 23

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Day turned into a night with no rest. I waited in the hospital lobby with my grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle. Back and forth the doctors went, running numerous tests on Manny with no real results. My family remained hopeful. And so did I, but with a different plan in mind.

I wasn't sure how bringing Bio-Lab accountable for their actions would help Manny's situation, but I knew it could help others. And that was what Love or Nothing was for, right? To learn to escape one's fears, love oneself, and other people.

Because if you can't love yourself or anyone, you have nothing at all. And if you have nothing, what is there to live for?

I didn't want to be that person I was before. Manny played every night with me to try to make me different. To help me. I know, deep down, the check I promised at the end wasn't why he continued to log in.

And if Manny could sacrifice himself to make me better, I could break every contract in the world, face whatever legal action would come my way, to make sure those who hurt him would be held accountable.

Luis promised to help me. I thanked him for it. Needed him to do it. But as the night shifted into the next day and the afternoon hour graced every clock, I didn't see him. Anywhere.

He had simply texted me that morning, "I'll be there. I promise."

I waited outside Bio-Lab's meeting room at noon; without him. With my phone in my hand, I paced. The seconds changing into minutes. Inside, my heartbeat with the anticipation of his message, saying he was outside. Or even better; if I could see him walk down the Bio-Lab's hall to meet me.

Neither happened.

The meeting room door opened wide.

"Charines?" Judith's hair was pulled up into a bun. With no shadows on her face, I saw every bit of the piercing blue in her eyes. And the impatience that rang through them.

I gulped as she tapped her heeled shoe. "We've been waiting for ten minutes. Have you been out here the entire time?" she asked.

I could've lied and told her I was late. Or admitted a half-truth and say I had been outside, but I was waiting for something. What that something was, I couldn't say. Meeting up with other beta-testers wasn't a thing. They scheduled our meetings far apart for that reason.

As I tried to find an excuse, Judith looked me up and down.

I wasn't dressed for a meeting. Hell, I was barely dressed for life. That morning, I had rushed home to shower and change, but there was no planning for what I needed to wear. My jeans were the closest thing I could grab, and a hoodie had already been thrown on my bed.

I looked horrible. But today wasn't about me and my looks.

"I'm sorry." I glanced at my phone before giving her a weak smile. "I'm ready."

"Are you?" Judith pursed her lips before shaking her head. "I don't see your bag with you today. Or your tablet. Are you ready? Did you forget something?"

My tongue pressed against the top of my mouth. A quiet 'ah,' slipped passed my lips. Rather than give her a direct answer, I approached the door and waited to walk inside. When she moved, I took the chance and approached the large table.

There was no one else in the room.

Judith closed the door behind me.

"Where are the others?" I asked as she made her way around the room to sit on the opposite side of the table. "Aren't there more of you here for these things?"

Judith tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear as she made herself comfortable. She adjusted the sleeves of her blouse while she said, "They are feeling under the weather today. It's just me and the testers."

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