Chapter 22

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I didn't know why I was so nervous. Our relationship was fresh and new, but we only saw each other twice since confessing our feelings.

Were there words for anxiousness that flew off the charts? There probably were, but as I sat on a park swing, I couldn't find them. I racked my brain, dug through my memories, and nothing. Zip.

To keep calm, I stared at my shoes. In the rush to get Manny to Emergency, I'd slipped on a pair of flats over my teddy bear socks. Tiny plushies sewn into pink fabric smiled up at me as my feet swung back and forth. My hands gripped the swing's metal chains, keeping me steady. I breathed in and out. Slow and deep. And did my normal thing.

Wake me up...

I swung one leg up too high, and my shoe fell off. Quietly cursing to myself, I held on tight with one hand as I bent forward to grab it.

I can't wake up...

The wind blew, pushing my curls over my face. Some strands stuck to my lips and slipped into my mouth. I tried to free them with my tongue, spitting at the taste of gel. And as I lifted my head, the sound of a voice left me frozen like that—tongue out, eyes wide.

Luis stood next to a parked car. He leaned against its hood, a coffee in hand. He smiled and said my name, "Chari."

Every time I saw him, I felt something different. After our kiss, I became a nervous schoolgirl with a big crush. But looking at him now, watching as he crossed the parking lot, this had to be more than that. He dropped everything to come see me, made sure to grab me coffee, and be at my side. Outside of a hospital of all places.

He was an absolute beautiful human being; inside and out.

Dressed in just a regular white tee and jeans, I couldn't help but catch the light that hit the side of his face. His eyes, the same golden-brown I looked into each night, picked up on the sun's rays. I saw his aura, shimmering bright. It flickered like a candle's flame.

As got closer, every part of me stopped. My lungs. My heart.

All of this time, I can't believe I couldn't see...

Luis stopped a foot in front of me. Looking up at him, at his face and morning hair, I couldn't pull my tongue back into my mouth. Heat crept up my cheeks at uncontrollable levels.

Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me...

"Here, Chari, some coffee." Luis dropped to my level and moved the cup in my direction, waiting for me to take it from him. "Just like you ordered. Crema, azucar, a little caramel."

My shoe fell off my foot as I slowly took the cup from him. And rather than move back to stand up again, Luis reached for my shoe. Placed it back on my foot.

Save me...

Luis' smile fell slightly. It was softer. Caring. He lifted one hand to touch my cheek. "Are you okay?" he said.

I wasn't sure how to answer. I felt a lot of things. My heart exploded for him. Yet, it continued to cry from my cousin back at the hospital. And my soul ached for the help Luis promised on the phone. For me to be okay, to be strong. Because I couldn't mope around Manny; he wouldn't want me to.

Luis dropped his gaze. His hand fell to my knee. "Chari, I—"

I placed the coffee on the ground; balanced it against the pole to my right. My finger slowly traced the top of the foam lid before I looked back at Luis, at the top of his head. Just like he'd done to me, I moved my hand to his face. My thumb brushed against his cheek. When he lifted his head once again to look at me, I did the first thing that came to mind.

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