Chapter 14

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Nhyx didn't follow me. He lingered in the doorway. When I looked at him, I noticed the scowl on his face. His hand hovered over the doorknob.

I cleared my throat. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, you see, Miss," Nhyx chuckled before shaking his head, "it saddens me that you're here. I gave every person an invitation for one reason." He slowly placed his free hand on his chest. "I handpicked all of my attendees."

I bit the insides of my cheek. "Okay, that's fine. I'm sorry." Nervously, I rubbed my fingers together at my sides. Deep breaths in, out. "I mean, I can go out and find her." I'm lying, but whatever, I have to follow a story, right? "Would that make it better?"

With a sigh, Nhyx shook his head. "It wouldn't."

We locked eyes, and I froze. I wasn't sure whether to run past him and leave or continue to listen.

"I'm sure you know stories of the haves and have-nots, don't you?"

When he spoke, I nodded.

Another sigh, he continued, "Well, lovely, this is a town with so many haves; every person has their every desire. And me, a mere warlock from a poor upbringing, had not for so long."

Glancing at the surrounding jewels, I pressed my lips into a thin line. "I think you have a lot."

"You missed the keyword, miss." Nhyx's hand closed around the doorknob. "Had. Now, I have my every desire. And do you know why that is, miss?"

Slowly, I shook my head.

Nhyx bared his teeth. "Because I take from those who have too much and place it here," he nodded towards the crates and chests around me, "to have, forever. Like the Mulin jewel, you're looking for."

My mouth dropped. How did he know?

"It's here if you're wondering." He pointed beside me. "Right there, gently nestled within its dragon crest."

Despite being found out, as weird as it was, I followed his finger. To the right of me, seated perfectly on top of a golden crest, was a dragon's egg. Not a chest or box. All I need to do is grab that, right? Quest over?

"You're a strange one," Nhyx said, laughing. "No questions as to how I knew your identity. Shame."

I turned back to him. My fingers itched for my staff. "I mean, I'm curious but..." Does it matter?

"Hm, seems that's all you are; a curious little kitten." Nhyx turned his head, glancing back down the hall. For a moment, he scowled and shook his head before looking back at me. "You were so eager to find this blasted jewel, you fell into my trap."

What? "A trap?"

Nhyx grinned and pulled the door close to his chest. Only his head was inside the room. I took quick steps toward the door. "Wait."

"Everyone here was invited and given my raspberry wine. Laced, it was, as you probably assumed. Within the next few minutes, they'll be fast asleep, which allows me to steal every expensive item on their person."

Everyone out there, dancing and lusting at each other, would be under his spell. I knew Nhyx couldn't have been a good person, but to invite an entire town to his manor, then drug them? Woah.

Without saying a word, I mentally brought up my in-game menu, something I knew Nhyx couldn't see. At the right were the messages from Luis I had accidentally ignored. To the left were my bagged items; my weapons.

In my head, my plan was simple. Clearly, Nhyx had lost his marbles and I could easily kill him; mid-boss kind of thing. I'd gain the experience, which would probably be shared with Luis. Then I'd grab the pretty, golden egg, and teleport back to town with Luis so we could turn in our quest. Simple, right?

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