Chapter 07

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The world shifted, swooping out from under me. My stomach flipped; my head ached. And the second I felt my feet back on land, I thought I'd be sick.

But then the sunlight hit my face and the mystical music of Love or Nothing's fantasy soundtrack returned. I realized I was back in town, just as Luis requested.

He stood next to me as though he had done nothing wrong.

"Why?" I pushed him because it was the only thing I could think of doing. A dagger fell from his thief's guard. He stumbled back on impact. But he didn't move far. He was confused when he looked at me.

I pushed him again. "I didn't want to come back," I shouted. "I was ready to fight and do cool shit! And yet you, you—"

"What?" Luis lifted his hands defensively. "Chari, you said you didn't play Healing Cloud, so I assumed—"

One more push. And another. I felt the eyes of the players in town; gazes stuck to us like glue. They followed our every move as I pushed him back towards the merchant tents. But the NPCs didn't budge. Neither did I.

"Because I didn't play a game you played, you assumed I don't know how to play?" I huffed. "Healing Cloud is just like any other stupid fucking fantasy game. Playing that one doesn't make you an expert." I pressed my finger against his chest, roughly poking him. "And it doesn't mean you're better than me!"

"Chari, wait, I didn't mean to—"

"You didn't mean to what, hm?" My hands sat on my hips as I grumbled under my breath.

His brows furrowed. His mouth dipped into a frown. "I thought I was helping you. You were so naïve to think a—"

"A fucking rabbit would eat my face?" My hands shot up over my head as I shouted my question. "Are you serious right now?"

"Chari..." he sighed.

"You are serious, huh?" Angrily, I turned around, showing my back to him. I couldn't wait anymore and frantically swiped my hand up between the space in front of me, retrieving my in-game menu. My finger tapped the button at the top; to summon my NPC.

I can't stay logged in anymore. I watched as pixels emerged before me, swishing together with pinks and golds. When Anna One's image appeared and she smiled, I frowned. I don't even know if I can keep playing with him anymore.

"Chari, look, again, I made a mistake." Luis grabbed my wrist, but I snapped my hand away. "I thought I was doing a good thing."

Anna One looked at the both of us, confused. Her brows lifted. "I received quest confirmation?" Anna One asked, looking at me. "Seventy percent is a nice size, congratulations to the both of you."

Seventy percent? That's it?

"Well, I didn't want to confirm the quest, but here I am." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "Give me my experience points."

"Of course." Anna One bowed. I heard the confirmation chime over my head. When I looked up at the menu still pulled up in front of me, my level changed. One step closer to free roam. And seven levels away from being free of this freaking guy.

But until then, based on what Anna One had previously explained, I was stuck with him. Yet that didn't mean I had to look at him.

"How many times do I have to apologize?" he asked, almost desperate. "It's like that's all I've done today."

With my arms still folded, I faced him but purposely looked behind him. "Well, if that's all you're doing, that sounds like a you problem."

Even without trying to, I saw his pout. "A problem I am trying to fix, yes..."

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