Chapter 20

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I loaded into the game alone. Confused. Manny had been next to me when we started our VR spheres. But as the music started and Love or Nothing came into view, I was alone.

In the open lush fields of grass, I turned, scanning the horizon for my cousin. "Manny?" I called out again.

Nothing. Not even the wind responded.

I frowned and turned toward the town. The entrance was a few yards away. Maybe Manny had gone ahead without me. Not that it was a bad thing; he'd done it before. Once or twice Love or Nothing loaded us in-game minutes apart and he just assumed I had gone into town for safety, then went to look for me. Maybe this was one of those times.

Hurrying into the town's square, I quickly smiled at the NPCs who greeted me. I looked at the market stalls and buildings beautifully brightened by the faux sun; everything Love or Nothing had to offer. But I didn't see my cousin.

Nervously, I bit my lip.


My uneasy heart jumped at the sound of my name. I thought it was Manny and reacted to it. I turned, fully prepared to grab my cousin, embrace him, and make sure he was okay. But it wasn't him. It was Luis. I sighed as he approached.

"Hey." Luis stood in front of me and placed a hand under my chin to lift my head. He looked into my eyes. "What's wrong?"

It took just one look from Luis and the pressure eased off a bit. It wasn't much, but enough to let me know I could breathe.

"Manny," I said, taking in a deep breath. "Me and Manny logged in and I don't see him. I thought if he loaded in before me, he'd be right here waiting for me."

Luis let out a nervous laugh as he turned, looking back at our NPCs waiting near the town's side buildings. He gave them a wave, as if he acknowledged them, before looking back at me. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere. I haven't seen him. Maybe he went somewhere and—"

"No." Quickly, I shook my head. Manny wouldn't just go somewhere without me. Something's wrong. "I shouldn't have let him log in."

Luis frowned. "Has he gotten worse?"

Luis knew. He'd seen it over the past few days, so there was no denying it. Manny had changed. My cousin was the strongest person I knew, but to see a game meant to help those in need destroy him; it hurt me because I felt like I hurt him.

"I'm sure he's here somewhere, okay?" Luis gave me a weak smile before hugging me. His fingers slid through my curls as he cupped my head. With my cheek against his chest, I took in his scent. I closed my eyes, listening to him as he said, "We'll go find him before we do anything else."

"What if I don't want to do anything else?" I grabbed onto Luis' vest. My fingers found the folds of leather to hold. "I just want to get Manny and have him log out. That's it."

"That's okay," Luis whispered into my hair as he planted a soft kiss on top of my head. "We can do that, too."

I sighed. Hearing him gave me hope was what I needed. With his arms around me, I felt safe. I closed my eyes and sank into the moment.

"I'm going to help you every step of the way." Luis' voice was peaceful against my ears. "I promise."

I lifted my head to look up in his eyes. But as I did, I caught sight of a massive head pressing between us, pushing us apart. I stumbled as I was forced out of Luis' arms, feet away from him. With the distance between us, I saw who had interrupted us. My cousin.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, wonderful." Manny placed himself between Luis and me. "Don't you think y'all a little too close lately? Hm? This love-dovey shit from the dude who made my cuzzo cry. You think I forgot?"

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