Chapter 03

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As we stepped through the portal, Anna One followed. "This is the town of Oh, a magical place created within this world by the Witches of—"

"Oh," both Manny and I said in unison.

"Precisely." She came beside us, smiling brightly as though she was pleased, we knew what word would follow.

It wasn't that we knew; it was more sarcasm. The names in the game so far were... lazy. Witches of Oh. Lords of Erm. I was waiting to hear about the Ladies of Oooo's and Ahhh's or the Fairies of Uhhh. What could the ogres be called? Ugh?

Beta notes, get a different writer for in-game naming because come on...

"This town here," Anna One moved in front of us, "will be a place you may call home when you're ready to play."

Moving my gaze away from the fluorescent NPC, I eyed the surrounding village. It was beautiful. Realistic. Little cottages bordered us, forming a circle along the town's edge. In the center were market stalls, each equipped with their own NPC to run and work them.

What made it better were the other players. Each with their gamer tags hovering above their heads, I spotted them easily. Many of them moved around without a problem; others lingered close to the doors. But the fact that they were here, in the game, made it even more real to me.

Manny and I weren't alone. It felt like, well, one giant introvert party.

"Now that you're both in town, I can deliver your first quest," Anna One said with a nod.

The music overhead changed. With a side-step, I moved close to Manny, who seemed mesmerized by everything.

"Do we get a quest every day?" I asked. "Or are there starter quests plus regular ones that follow?"

"There are starter quests, yes." Anna One looked at the two of us. "After you reach level five, the quest log grows. Many will be available for you to select on your own time."

"Ah." I folded my hands and spun slowly in a circle. I meant to see the entire town this way, but I stopped halfway. At the town's entrance was a large gate, opened and leading into the plains we'd just left from. And beside those doors was a player; a man crouched in the corner as though he were afraid. I frowned. I don't think this is for you.

"But your first quest is simple." Anna One's voice pulled my attention, and I looked at her as she continued, "All you have to do is make friends."

"What?" I blinked seven times fast. "Are you forcing us to make friends?"

"No." She shook her head. "But you must, or else why are you playing?"

My jaw dropped. Tell me how you really feel.

Beside me, Manny chuckled as he shook his head. He rubbed his cheek. "She's got a point, Chari," he said, looking at me. "Ain't the point of this game to get out there and mingle?"

I cringed, shoulders to my ears. "Ugh, when you say it like that, it sounds disgusting."

"Ay, you know me." Manny smirked and clicked his tongue against his teeth. "I'm always down to party."

Turning his head, he looked at Anna One. "So, what we got to do, then? We go out there and shake hands, kiss babies? Or what?"

"Kiss babies?" Covering her mouth, Anna One giggled. "There are no infants here. But yes, in a way, you do go out there and shake hands."

"Really?" I couldn't help but shoot her a judging side-glance. I knew it wasn't her fault, she just distributed the quests. But if the first quest was to shake hands and say hi, I'd quit. This was supposed to be an all-out RPG. Not speed-friends 101.

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