Let's Talk (part 1)

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Friday, 4:52p.m., Kirishima's house

Pov: Eijiro Kirishima

The only thing you could hear was the clock over the dining room door.


I couldn't help but think that it was mocking me, teasing this sensitive situation, daring me to do something. I knew better, one wrong move could lead to a hysterical conversation, one wrong word could cause my family problems to shatter beyond repare. I came to do the opposite. I stared down into my lap, playing with my hands, I don't want to look up, I don't want to be reminded of what I did. I was afraid to face it... I haven't felt this useless since my fight with Rappa and I'm not even physically fighting anyone, this thought have me enough courage to look up from my chair at the end of the table.

Surudoi was the only family member not present, Eiko demanding that he should go to his room and get some sleep to help him calm down. My eyes drew to where my dad 'sat'. He was still unconscious from what happened earlier, neither me or Eiko trusted him to be exactly peaceful once he woke up so after caring for his wounds, we tied him the chair. I took a moment to notice the hair and shade covering his eyes, with the large bandage on his cheek, he looked almost depressed, no, he looked absolutely miserable. I almost laughed at that dark thought.

So it did get worse, maybe hurting my dad did something, it's come to the point where I can't even tell me and my evil side apart anymore. I snuggled into Bakugou's sweater, I was happy just a few hours ago when he told me I could keep it, it's silly how a certain chain of events could change the human mood and mindset so quickly.

Wanting to look at something else, I accidentally met her eyes, I couldn't tell if they were red or a really dark pink, but either way they were mesmerizing, they held so much emotion but none at all. It suddenly became a challenge of who would look away first, the tension growing thick around the table, I stared until everything was white around me, until she was the only thing there. It has been a minute but she did not even waver, or squint, she simply stared into my slowly darkening soul until I was forced to look down.I rubbed my eyes aggressively, wanting the white from my vision to go away. I sighed and took a sip of my tea, knowing I was now obliged to speak.

"What do you want me to say?" The words seemed to echo in the empty house, causing a strange shift in the former silence. Eiko picked up her cup of tea from off the table carefully with both hands, leaning back and closing her eyes in her chair before enjoying a delicate sip. A small smile danced on her lips as she savored the taste, opening her eyes to answer.

"Nothing specific or special... Just what's on your mind." She then went back to sipping her tea, which seemed to relax her more than I've seen it relax anyone. That aside , Eiko is a complex mess in my eyes, one second she's teasing, another she's sarcastic, and next see so serious there is not even an ounce of space for laughter, sadly she's in the third mode right now.

"I have nothing on my mind I'm afraid-" She put up one finger to shush me letting it go quiet for at least 15 seconds.

"There is always something on the human mind, most just turn a blind eye to it." She shifted her position in the chair slightly. "Is that what you're doing, Eijiro?"

I seemed to have forgotten the fact that Eiko could see right through me, shame, that's the first thing I should have kept in mind before kicking up a conversation, guess I was just nervous. There is always something on my mind, huh? There sure is, plenty, but none th that I could tell my little sister. So instead of responding, I simply focused on the old dull green wall paper that was peeling away at certain corners, a wimpy way to back out of a conversation, yes, but I felt like I had no other choice.

"Since you have nothing to say, it seems like I'll have to do the questioning." She put her tea down and out her hands together in slight frustration. "Where did you get that sweater?"

I widened my eyes, at of all the questions I expected her to ask, this was not one. "What?"

" Well it's obviously not yours, it's 5 sizes too big and the style is way better than something you would buy." I looked down, my face was heating up quickly. Remember when I said that she could see right through me, I wasn't joking.

"Um, well..."

"Don't tell me it was the spiked blonde angry kid..." I stayed quiet, wishing I knew how to respond. She got up from the table, her chair scrapping a bit from the force. Without pushing her chair in or even taking her tea, she left. Probably upset that I didn't tell her anything. But she doesn't understand.

The house was once again back to it familiar silence, I leaned my chair back like when I was a child in class.

Even though she acts mature, she's still to young to understand.

(Here because I'm having a bit of writers block, take this short ass chapter. Love y'all, bye)

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