The fall

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( A/N: Can't believe this book is almost done, thank you for everyone who stayed here and read this book, the fact that you guys support me as an author means so much to me, you have no idea! This chapter (as you would guess from the last chapter) has triggers that you may be uncomfortable with, like attempted suicide and dark thoughts, I am sorry for the people struggling with it that are reading this right now, and just know, if you need someone to rant to, I'm here.)


"KIRISHIMA!!!" I screamed over the loud noise of water hitting the ground. I could make out a figure standing at the ledge of the building a black umbrella over their head. I rubbed my eyes again to get a clearer view, Kirishima stared back at me. His hair grew out a little showing his black roots, his eyes were extremely red, and he was paler, like he lost a lot of blood, and his arms... All my accusations were correct. They were right, although I prayed for them not to be. I rubbed my eyes again. My voice cracked.

"What in the living FUCK are you doing."


Thursday, 11:27 P.M., class 1-A dorm roof

POV: Eijiro Kirishima

Weak is an understatement to how I'm feeling right now, I could hardly hold up this umbrella. If it wasn't for this rain I would have reasonably been asleep by now. I watched Bakugou, who looked genuinely terrified, that wasn't like him. It wasn't him.

"You're not supposed to be here..." I rasped, I haven't drunk any liquid in 4 days, so I was majorly dehydrated... Let's not forget famished. Bakugou shoved the wet hair from his eyes and glowered.

" After you sent me such a problematic message and run to the roof, where did you suspect I'd be?"

Sleeping, I thought he was sleeping. I comprehended it said that he was online, but there is no way he would stay up pass 8:30. Unless something was troubling him. I looked to the ground, many feet below me, the truth was, I didn't want to, but I had too.

" I don't exactly have a choice." I focused my eyes on his sweater, it wasn't doing anything, I'm pretty sure the water has gotten through by now and I really just didn't want to see his expression. "Now go inside before you catch a cold."

I heard Bakugou growl, and then quietly whimper... He just whimpered. I squinted my eyes to see through the pouring rain, Bakugou was looking down, one hand in the hair I dreamed of playing with. He looked conflicted.

" Is it my fault?" He yelled all of a sudden "Is this because of the things I said, or that I ignored all of your pass text over this week... Is this because I was too fucking headstrong to talk to you without threats this past week!"

I didn't know how to answer that question, did he think this was his fault? It wasn't, it was never. Although if he had put the handcuffs on Batsu, we wouldn't have been here in the first place, he could have embraced my 'temporary' form instead of constantly making me feel bad for it, maybe if he had just helped me find my soulmate like a good best friend instead of sitting on his fucking ass, maybe if he had checked on me while I was absent for several days... Maybe this was his fault, I looked at the heartbroken expression on his face and grinned. I grinned at his pain... Like a monster, cause that's what I am now.

" Hey, Bakubro!" I said in a fake cheery voice, closing the umbrella and letting water pour over me "CATCH!"

I hurled the umbrella as hard as I could at him. I laughed as the metal device hit him in the stomach, and he took a double-take. I turned towards the edge of the building, the wind getting more and more feisty as the seconds passed. I was suddenly high on adrenaline and anger, so this is what it felt like? 

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