Plants Can't Grow Without Water

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(Green Steve POV)
I woke up in a bed. It was warm and cozy. I sat up and looked out a window, it was night. I laid back down. I felt soft warm breath on my neck, honestly I felt comfortable, until I realised that breath meant a person was next to me IN THE BED. I sat up immediately and looked over. It was a Blue Steve. I a bed.. SLEEPING WITH A BLUE STEVE?! I didn't even know this guy! I felt an arm wrap around me and pull me back down onto my back. "Go to's night and you need rest.." the Blue Steve whispered in my ear softly, "UH...I DONT.....YOU...ME...." Green Steve stuttered, "Red Steve is asleep on the couch and there was nowhere else to sleep so we're sharing, now sleep" Blue Steve whispered. I felt my face turn red. I was in bed... with a cute guy...AM I GAY OR AM I JUST EMMBARRASED?! I began to internally silently freak out. Adventually tiring and falling asleep.

I woke up. It was the next day. I heard some humming in the room and looked over. My face immediately turned bright red. Blue Steve was shirtless, probably in the middle of changing. "Oh your awake" Blue Steve noticed buttoning up his shirt, "Red Steve prepared some food, your probably hungry and confused of how you got here, it'll all be explained" Blue Steve assured. I got up out of the bed and followed Blue Steve to the living room. We ate our breakfast and everything was explained to me. "Honestly I'm surprised you have so much power for such a peaceful race, if you could do that with pretty much no training imagine what you could do with a bunch of training, you got a big dream but it's possible" Blue Steve said. I smiled brightly, "hey aren't Green and Blue Steve's friendly with each other? Cause plants need water to grow or something?" Red Steve asked, "oh yeah. Apparently Green Steve's tend to fall in love with Blue Alex's and Blue Steve's a lot and it's actually a fact that Green Steve's are more powerful around Blue Steve's" I said, remembering all the old logic I learned in Boy Scouts. "Why don't you train with Blue Steve than? I mean I've got things to do, you owe him some service since he caught you and carried you here and let you share a bed with him-" Red Steve went on, my face turned red, "shut up about the bed thing!" I said angrily, "so green Steve's pair up with blue Steve's a lot?" Red Steve asked, "yep as friends couples and stuff" I replied, "I wouldn't know, I haven't seen another blue Steve in a while since I started travelling" Blue Steve shrugged. "I can see you two being gay for eachother" Red Steve teased, "OK BUDDY THATS A BIT FAR THERE YOU CAN GO DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT BUT ME AND BLUE HERE ARE GOING TO GO TRAIN!!!" I shouted pushing Red Steve out, "bye love birds!" Red Steve waved as I slammed the door on him. "That...was awkward" Blue Steve sighed, "agreed" I replied. We stared at eachother in awkward silence for a moment. "Want to go train?" Blue Steve asked, "HECK YEAH!" I shouted, Blue Steve grabbed my hand and teleported us. I didn't mind because to teleport you need to be touching the person you teleport so don't get the wrong idea! We appeared on a hill overlooking a beach where a player was relaxing. In the distance there was a temple which the player was probably preparing to explore. "To understand powers, and best actions in situations it's good to witness it so watch closely alright?" Blue Steve said, "okay!" I chimed. 

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