A Mystrious Discovery

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I had been walking for what seemed like hours. When I left the village it was sunrise but now it seemed it was afternoon. So there I was walking, admiring nature, and so on when suddenly...I heard talking in the distance. 'What is that...WHO is that?' I thought as I snuck towards the sound. I peeked my head out from behind a tree and looked around, there were two players just wandering about seeming to be looking for something. Players are powerless beings who all have different intents and purposes, they are capable of what seems to be LEAVING THE WORLD into a VOID where they can rest, but no Steve knows for sure. Why don't we just ask? You may wonder. Well a long time ago Steve's used to interact with players, but they acted cruel to us, tested and experimented on us, trapped us and even DESTROYED some of us. It's safer if I just stay from a distance and watch. One player seemed to be wearing a chicken costume and a blindfold over there eyes, the second player was wearing a scarf and what seemed to be a coat. 'Somebody else is here..I feel a presence' I thought to myself looking around carefully. Suddenly a Red Steve appeared before the players. Red Steve's are hot heads who can be jerks and are angered easily, there very hostile towards players and are obsessed with redstone blocks, there main powers are lightning and exploding punches. The players seemed to be scared, obviously, who ISN'T scared of RED STEVES? There crazy! I stayed behind the tree not wanting to interact with them all. The red Steve seemed to be scaring them, i expected from red Steve's honestly. He was using loads of lightning and what seemed to be invisibility or teleporting. The players were so scared they dug a hole and burried themselves under the ground and than did there little magic disappearing or shall I say, 'LEAVING THE WORLD' thing. After the players were gone and red Steve's seemed to have disappeared I entered the clearing. Just as I had made it across the clearing and was about to enter a dark oak biome, I was tackled to ground face first. "HEY! GET OFF OF ME!" I shouted struggling on the ground, "wait...your a Steve! A green Steve?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were all about peace and boring stuff, why are you here watching me terrorise players?!" The red Steve damanded getting off of me. I got to my feet and brushed myself off, "I'm green Steve, I ran away from my village to learn how to use my powers and become the most powerful green Steve ever! I want to fight and be able to use my powers just like other Steve's can!" I explained, "huh, your different from other green Steve's. most of you wouldn't even DREAM about fighting, and green Steve's normally DISPISE us red Steve's. What an interesting discovery"

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