Chapter Nineteen

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Theme song: "That's What I Like About You" by the Romantics

I woke up my favorite way, beside Steve in his bed happy and unafraid. It felt nice to be on good terms with him I need him in my life without him I really wouldn't have any of the friends that I do now.

It was the middle of the school year for a third grade me. We just moved for the typical reason, work Daddy got a promotion and I had to change schools in the middle of the year and I was scared that there was already an it girl that everyone likes there and she would be better than me. I don't know how to not be a popular girl. I had a dream the night before my first day that I went to school in my favorite jeans and I forgot to zip them, everyone laughed at me and nobody wants to be my friend.

The next morning I wore my favorite skirt and blouse and asked my mommy to brush my hair.

Then I felt sick mom said she would take me in at lunch if I felt better, so that's what she did.

I walked into the lunch room with the pink flower lunch bag and paled. I have no clue where to sit. Then it happened, a cute boy with brown hair and hazel eyes caught my eye. He for the profile of my friends, I stood there as people walked past me looking at him whisper to three other boys and I'm almost sure I heard him say 'dibs'.

He walked over to me.

"Hi! I think you're new here," he threw his arm over my shoulders "I'm Steve," he stared walking over to his table

"I'm Liz," I said confidently

"Okay guys this is the new girl Liz, Liz this is Tommy, Darren and Alan. You can sit with us." he smiled broadly

"Okay," I sat right next to Steve on the end

"So Liz we are the fun group, everyone likes us and our roles in the group are I'm the leader, and the fighter," he said proudly "Darren is the sport and brains, Tommy is the clown and Alan is the have-no-enemy's and pet"

"Hey," Alan whined

"It's okay," I smile to him.

"What are you?" Darren asked me

I laughed "I can be the beauty, co brains, and animal specially." I smiled as they laughed

"You will fit in great with us," Alan said

He was the first kid to talk to me at Rocky Elementary and I have never been more grateful for that. Who knows how that day would have gone if I sat somewhere else.

Steve woke up.

"Whatcha thinking about, babe?" Steve wiggles his eyebrows knowingly

"The first time you ever talked to me."

"Well I was thinking about the first time we kissed and was wondering we could do it again?" I rolled my eyes at his goofy grin

I put my nose on his and as he leaned in I pulled back never leaving his nose. then gave in.

"I was going to say 'maybe later' but I would rather do this." I pushed his mouth on mine, he pulled me on top of him much better than twisting my neck around.

"Your mother is awake." I said hearing her get off of her bed downstairs.

"How can you hear better than me? we are both half-vampires."

"I'm also faster than you, but I don't know maybe Mr. Crepsley does. I wonder if you are better at a different sense than I am."

"Or nature can't help that you are better than me." I rolled my eyes and got up.

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