Chapter Six

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Luke Pasqualino as Tommy. Luke/Tommy to the top or side along with the theme song.

Theme song: "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit

I swang next to Steve, Darren on the other side of me and Alan on his with Tommy by Steve. I grabbed my boyfriends hand as we swayed with each other.

Tommy is in awe.

"Why didn't you tell me, Steve we all had a little crush on her. It was not your place to decide which one of us won."

"Darren came in, uninvited I might add. And for your information if she liked you more than she would have gone to your house last night. I mean come on we all know how bold she is." Steve is pissed

I am thinking over what Tommy said, as their conversation dragged on, 'we all had a little crush on her' all as in Darren too? I don't believe it. Probably just him and Al. But then again he did say all. Why do they have to like me can't we just be friends.

"Right Liz," Tommy said confident in my answer

"What?" I wasn't listening

"We have a right to know don't we?"

"No, we weren't going to say anything it's none of your business."

He looked dumbfounded

"Sure we do-" he started

"No, you don't!" I got up and stormed away.

"Period much!" Tommy hollered I stopped and spun on my heal, really mad now. They all caught up I leaned over to Steve and whispered

"Punch him," because if I do I could kill him now. Unfortunately he listened, and Tommy fell down like a sack of potatoes.

"You okay? Sorry dude." Steve knelt beside him

"So what? Now your her bitch?"

I am about to walk forward but Darren gently grabbed my arm I am so emotionally screwed up I just fell into his arms and sobbed. I can hear the others come over.

"I'm sorry, Lizzy, I am so sorry." Darren reassured me

"Give her here" someone said softly but I just grabbed onto his shirt and sobbed harder not wanting to move

"Liz here's Steve, okay?" Darren told me

"No!" I cried "only you can relate to how I feel, Darr."

I ment this vampire shit but I couldn't say that in front of Tommy or Alan who took it the wrong way.

"Darren's not a virgin either!" Alan exclaimed

"That's not what I meant." I mumbled

"What did you mean then huh?"

"None of your fucking business!" I shouted. but started to blush, I never drop the f bomb.

They backed off after that when I drop the bomb it means; Shit will go down and bitches will be hurt.

Steve hugged my shoulders kissed my check and said

"Do you want to go home, love?"

"No, the barn. Isabel's there."

He nods and turns me around so we can take his moms car to see my horse and sister who always makes me feel better.

Isabelle is my guardian she was one of the popular girls but we are best friends. Best sisters. I asked Steve to wait outside for a bit. I want to talk to Isabel alone.

She was in her stall brushing Silver.

"Hi Isabel."

"Hey Lizzy"

"I had sex with Steve last night,"

She stopped and looked at me mouth wide open, I continued

"He's outside waiting for me and Darren found out so he told Al and Tommy. We were at the park I had a little break down again."

"Why," she sputtered

"We were alone in his room what do you expect? That we play chess and drink apple juice?"

"Ti needs brushed, I'll go talk to Steve," Isabel is only older by a few years but she can handle anything

Steve's p.o.v.

I heard the door open so I looked up. it was Isabel. Shit. She got in the passenger side

"I know what happened."


"Be carful with my baby sister," she said "I'm not ready to be an aunt,"

Oh, hell.

"You damn well better control yourself because she tells me a lot, she expect a me to handle it, but I can't pay for an abortion! Neither can you. With our past she will take anything she can get, you have controlled yourself for 16 years, don't stop now, you are not going to ruin her life. I am determined to make sure this girl turns out good. Too bad it's not Darren, I like him better."

She got out and went back in the barn, Liz came out 5 minuets later. She got in and her face said 'let's go break the rules'

Liz p.o.v.

I walked out of the barn and hopped in the truck.

"Let's go to your place," I smiled wickedly

Isabel said to be careful and when she gets home she'll set some ground rules. For both me and Steve. I know she won't let me go over to his place alone but you haven't told me not to yet.

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