Chapter Five

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Logan Lerman as Alan. Logan/Alan is to the top or side along with the theme song.

Theme song: "Let's Talk About Sex" by Salt-N-Pepa

Crepsley said we had a week then he would collect us and 'kill' us and leave with us. I was real scared.

Darren walked me home because Steve was mad that we became his dream, and left him out. Not like we had a choice. Then Darren went on to his own. I climbed into bed after changing into my pjs; I can't sleep I toss and turn but can't.

I go to Steve's the only thing I can think to do. Quietly I walk on the stairs and see his light on so I tap on the door.

"Steve," I can't keep the tears in any longer so they fall

I hear him sigh get up and open the door. Right as he does he pulls me in and sits me on the bed. I think the tears helped and come on, have you ever heard of a teenage boy not letting a girl into his bed in the middle of the night with nobody else knowing? You can continue saying that.

"One week, only one lousy week." I tell him

"Lets make the best of it,"

In the morning I wake up cold. No wonder I only got half of me covered up. I cuddle closer to those hazel eyes I love. Kissing the owner awake.

"Morning love," I greet them

"Have fun last night babe?" he winked

"It was a first for sure." I smile

"It better have been" he chuckles

The door opened. Then quickly shut again

"Whoa bro gross did you guys like do it? Damn. That was fast." Darren said from behind the door

"You can come in Darr," I call

"Your not like naked are you?"

"No. Darren I'm not,"

He comes in

"I can't believe you are going to be vamps without me," My darling says angrily.

"I know I'm sorry," I hug him around the waist

"I'll make breakfast," I offer

"Thanks babe,"

"Yeah thanks, Liz."

Steve's mom is out on business for a few days so right now it's just us three in the house.

I went down stairs putting my hair up and tugging at my short shorts. I made eggs and toast and bacon. It's really good. We ate in the living room in front of the TV. My cell phone rang, Alan's face up against glass so it looks like he's trapped in my iPhone. I put on speaker.

"Hey Chubby Cheeks" he's got chubby cheeks as you should have assumed

"CC how you doing!" Darren hollered

"Chubby Cs my man! How's it hanging brother?" Steve follows

"Stop it guys it's not funny" Alan whined

"Okay sorry," I said

"How was the cirque?" he recovered

"Great! The performers did awesome!" I said with false enthusiasm

"Really! you have to tell me all about it!"

We took turns telling him every detail about the show leaving out, of course, the 'after party' with Crepsley.

"Wow." he mused after we finished

"Steve and Liz had sex" Darren blurted instantly regretting it he covered his mouth with his hands momentarily. He always sucked at secrets like that.

"Darren!" I squealed, grabbing my boyfriends arm. "You don't even know that!"

"Sorry" he mouthed and shrugged

"Way to go Steve!" Alan congratulated

I hung up the phone I punched Darren in the arm, harder than I expected. It was my vampire strength, luckily he had it to so no harm done.

"That hurt, Liz." He scolded me

"That was the point!" I yelled

I started to chase after him going faster than I should have been with my newly found strength, stamina and balance, cursing at him as I went. As I ran after Darren down the hall to the kitchen Steve grabbed my waist and pinned me to the ground, he might not have know I could have pushed him off anytime now but I was sick of getting no where.

"I'm sorry," I said

"No you're not." Steve accused me

"I'm not," I admitted "but I will stop." I promised

He let me up, I straightened my shirt and snapped my teeth at Darren.

"Why did you do it?" I asked

"He had to know, and it just kind of came out."

"No, you didn't even have to know,"

We argued back and forth for a while then I went home to change and meet the guys at the park it was Saturday and we always meet then.

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