The Michealsons

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Please use the above picture for the reference of the Michealsons' mansion.
Magnus and Alec reached the Michealsons' mansion.
Something felt weird, as there was always someone or the other in the garden that was situated in the front of the house, but, today there was no one and it had an unpleasant feeling around it. Alec looked at Magnus and understood that he had the same feeling as Alec. Alec was starting to have an unexplainable uneasy feeling in his stomach as if something bad was about to happen, it was like his gut was screaming at him to consider that their lives are going mess up bad; and only time would tell how bad. But pushing aside all the thoughts he went up to the door and knocked.
Elijah Michealson was the one to open the door, he looked disoriented as if he had just cried a lot. Elijah was Magnus's long time friend and his whole family was like Magnus's own except for Klaus as he had always been a little difficult one. They did not exactly hate each other, it was more like accepted due to same family.
Magnus immediately understood something had gone wrong in here, so he wrapped his friend into his arms. Elijah started crying hysterically in Magnus's arms. Either of the husbands did not know how to react, Elijah was one of the most composed people they had ever met and seeing him sobbing so hard was something they never thought would see. After a long time of Magnus trying to soothe Elijah the cries subsided to hiccups. Elijah let them enter and sit in the living room with the whole family.
Magnus looked around and saw everyone had cried their eyes out, the only one he could not see was Kol and now he had started getting nervous. He did not want his thoughts to be true. But he was seeing that this wasn't a lie it was happening.
Alec too realised what must have happened and he knew how much Magnus considered Kol to be like his own little brother. But he had to confirm if his doubts were true. So mustered all the courage he could and asked, "What has happened?"
"He's... He's dead." replied Klaus again sobbing.
"No no no no no..... This can't be happening." Magnus whispered as tears starting streaming down his cheeks, all the memories of centuries together, all the trouble they caused and all the brotherly moments they had, came down crushing on him. It was more than he could take as he broke down in tears. Alec held his husband as Magnus broke down. Alec knew what Kol was to his husband. He could not understand what was going on. Kol was dead and many vampires all over the world too. He had to get the answers not just for him but his husband, Kol's family and all the other dead vampires' friends and families.
"How did this happen?" Alec asked holding his weeping husband in his arms.
"He was at the backyard, we had an argument. So he said he needs air and went away. After an hour or so we heard Kol's scream. And... And we went back and saw a man staked him. He.... He was dead." Klaus replied.
He was staked the thought rang in Alec's ears. All the vampires that died, we're as good as staked. So does it mean that they all died because they were sired by Kol himself? And his death was the reason they died?
Before Alec could ask or confirm any of his doubts, Klaus cried out, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! First, YOU KILL my brother and now you have the audacity to stand here in front of us and fake cries for him. GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE OR I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!"
"What are you saying? I killed Kol? He was like my little brother. And why on earth will I kill HIM?" yelled Magnus in shock.
"Yes he is right Nicklaus. Magnus has always loved Kol like his own brother. But why would you say that he has killed Kol?" said Elijah.
Before the things got worse Alec took Magnus and went back to their house.

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