Chapter 15: Earthquake

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After receiving a sieve headache due to the mixture of alcoholic

substance most of the pastry shop workers stayed in bed moaning

while drinking herbal bay-leave tea. Except for one person,

Taehyung, who grew up in his family winery factory and that gave

him a very high tolerance for it. He stood in his bedroom's balcony

watching the amazing west coast Caribbean Sea scenery while

breathing in the fresh fragrance of lavender flowers that fill the

morning air. A sneeze sound caught his attention shifting his sight to

the direction to notice his older sister, Maya, wearing sweater

warming up herself with her hands gazing at the small flower garden.

'She's looks peaceful,' he thought and continued, 'What is she

thinking about?' Soon a knock on his door interrupted in his

thoughts for a moment.

'Is anyone awake?' A soft feminine voice asked as she coughed a


Instantly, Taehyung knew it was Orin while approaching the

door as he answered it, 'I am, good morning,' he smiled at her as she

blinked and then smiled.

'Good morning to you too, Taehyung,' Orin said. 'Are the others

awake yet?'

He shook his head and replied, 'Not really but they all snore like

pigs.' He chuckled.

'I couldn't agree more,' Orin answered laughing. 'I barely slept

because it,' she frowned.

Taehyung held his hands over his mouth and yawned, 'I know

what you mean, so did I. Are they preparing breakfast?'

'Yes, Mr Dennis is cooking rice, frying flying-fish and made

some rosemary and ginger tea,' Orin explained with a smile. 'It's

delicious,' she admitted.

He asked, 'Where is Mrs Tuan? Is she helping him too?' He

thought, 'Mr Dennis is cooking? Mrs Tuan must very tire from

yesterday's event.'

'Mr Dennis told me his wife was too tired. So he decided to

make us breakfast before we leave. Remember we're going to Maya's

guest house today to do the Carnival preparations for our costumes,'

Orin responded.

Taehyung nodded in understanding, 'Okay.' He added, 'How

about we're head downstairs to check what's happening now.'

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