Chapter 6: Password

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Earlier on the neighbours congregated in front of their apartment building. Some people were standing on the sidewalks while others sat on stair porch and entrance railings busily watching and listening to the commotion outside. With everyone gone the empty street had transformed into a ghost town. Steamers were whistling which meant most individuals were using the heater to keep warm in this cold weather at home. Soleil ran up the porch into the building and notice a sign at the elevator's door written, 'Out Of Use.' She cursed and took the corner stairs, climbing up until she reached the second floor exiting through a door leading into the hallway. 'Sleeping would do me wonders, right now,' Soleil thought and yawned tiredly treading to her apartment's door. She drew out her keys and unlocked the front door going inside and found her grandfather standing at the kitchen island making himself, a cup of coffee.

'Grandpa, too much caffeine is bad for your health,' she warned.

Mr Noelle looked up and nodded, 'I know Milo, but it always gave me a comforting relief from reality,' adding sugar and then whip cream on the tea's surface and drank some from it before speaking, 'How was the practice at South Punch Gym?'

Soleil locked the door and thought, 'Maybe I shouldn't tell him everything,' responding carefully, 'Good, I'll be heading out to a training camp with my trainer, Royce, to Australia and then Brazil, if that's fine with you?'

Her grandfather almost choked resting the mug of coffee down on the table, 'Training camp in those places, that's amazing when are you leaving, Milo?'

Soleil answered, 'Thursday morning at eight o'clock.'

Mr Noelle stated, 'This week Thursday, that's means you have Tuesday and Wednesday to pack everything you'll need for the trip. When are you coming back?'

Soleil replied thoughtfully, 'August 28th, it's a Monday. By then I would be able to take care of all the extra work I have missed at the shop, Grandpa.'

Mr Noelle left the table holding onto his mug sipping his coffee and sat in the armrest chair opposite the television and sighed, putting the mug down on the coffee table, 'Milo, for two weeks and a day, I'm stuck with Orin and Daniel controversies,' Soleil giggled at her grandfather's remark as he added, 'Remember 'Top Gear,' former hosts: Jeremy, Richard (Hammond) and James, when they were in Bolivia Traveling to Praz. Richard brought some tobacco or cocaine candies from a gas station and couldn't stop talking throughout the entire night's drive.'

Soleil remembered clearly after watching that episode she couldn't cease herself from laughing and using the bathroom to urinate constantly, 'Yes, that was incredibly funny' and then she thought, 'Now they're currently the new hosts of their own show called, 'The Grand Tour,' funded by Amazon. This time, they have no restrictions to do what they want.' She smirked.

Mr Noelle continued, 'Get me some of those because the altitude climax of their irritation might strangle me before you go. Seriously, I'm already getting altitude sickness.'

Soleil stride over to her grandfather and sat on the couch while chuckling at him and switched on the television which landed on the food channel, 'It won't be that exhausting and you have Charlie to stop them from quarrelling. He used to counsel them.'

He shook his head and sneered, 'Haven't you seen Charlie go through a mental break down in the pantry on late afternoons. The man prays to God thanking him that he survived another day of their annoying arguments and can't wait to get home in peace. Meanwhile, Ricardo ditches the nonsense and attends to customers for an escape.'

Soleil smiled, 'At least he has common sense. I feel bad for Charlie sometimes whenever I go on vacation or sick lift.'

Mr Noelle leant in the chair back comfortably and smirked, 'Stop your mockery, Milo. You don't feel sorry one bit.'

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