Chapter 9: Mini Interpol

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Computerize equipment and flat screen monitors were setup in a console in the centre of the detergent's pantry in the pastry's shop basement. That would normally smell of bleach, dishwashing soap liquids, air fresher and strong moisture. All of the detergent smells had vanished leaving the aromas of warm coffee, donuts, sweat, printed papers and cigarette smoke in the room. It looked like a miniature version of Interpol. Officer Smith sat in a metal chair beside Detective Virat, who was checking the screen of customers that came by for their morning pastry. Some seated themselves for another usual conversation among friends, the waiters and other customers. Uncovered officer, Parton had made himself a mug of coffee and began stirring in the sugar and cream with his spoon walking about. The door went opened and introduced Mr Noelle gripping onto the daily newspaper.

'Officers... detective were there any problems setting up?' He asked and the enormous room surrounded with close double glass corner windows had brought in some light to brighten the dull atmosphere.

Officer Smith spoke, 'Not really. Everything went well, Mr Noelle. Thanks for asking, though.'

'I could see you did a major change to my detergent's storage room. It feels a police station headquarters inside of here,' Mr Noelle joked.

Detective Virat answered, 'Well, it's still your pastry shop from the outside and inside is where the customers are.'

'True, I feel much safer that you're here doing this for us,' Mr Noelle replied. 'Plus you all look quite good in your work uniforms,' implying to their janitor outfits.

They laughed and nodded, 'Thanks.'

Soon someone else came in with an empty container, it happen to be Lileon carrying folded towels raising his eyebrows at them and asked, 'Uh, is this some kind of party?' Approaching the table and added, 'I thought I would be able to escape these dishes and Orin irritating lectures' and then he sighed, 'Too bad for coming here.' The officers and owner giggled at his remark. He placed the white towels and container onto the table and sat down on a stool before asking suspiciously, 'What is really going on, Mr Noelle?' Mr Noelle stared at the officers and detective and forgot to mention the newly hired workers that his grandson had gotten for extra assistance.

'Lileon, these men are a part of the police headquarters and will be doing investigation to find out their suspect that shot the Ppopgi vendor yesterday morning,' Mr Noelle explained.

Immediately, Lileon realised it was Jinyoung the owner was talking about and pretended to know nothing and said cluelessly, 'A Ppopgi vendor? Why would they shoot someone like that? This person is only trying to make their daily bread to pay their bills and survive in this town.' Officer Smith agreed with a shake of the head while Detective Virat switched into work mood.

Mr Noelle continued, 'He is newly hired today along with two others, one is his brother. They were recommended by my grandson, Milo.'

'As merry as it seems,' Officer Smith smirked. 'It is pleasure to meet you, Lileon. I'm Smith,' he shook his hand firmly and introduced his colleagues, 'These two are Virat and Parton.'

Lileon chuckled a bit, 'Likewise Smith,' squeezing his hand strongly and then both release it at the count of three in an automating instinct. 'Nice to meet you too' and also giving a short handshake to Smith's companions.

'Same here, Lileon,' Detective Virat answered and Officer Parton nodded and then sipped his milky coffee.

Mr Noelle interrupted their brief introductions, 'I believe I have to leave now. There's so much to do.'

'You're the head pastry chef,' Officer Smith stated and furthered added, 'I don't think the owner could resist himself from examining the progress in his kitchen,' which was definitely true as the others agreed.

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