Chapter 8: The Bus

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It's practically 7:53 AM. Wiring the whole pastry shop with security cameras took awhile to organise before the officers and the detective went downstairs into their surveillance room which is actually a detergent's pantry located in the basement two doors down from Mr Noelle's main office in the building. Her grandfather decided to hold a short staff meeting to introduce their newly hired edition to the shop. 'Apparently, I should have thought this through,' Soleil thought as she leaned against the refrigerator door and sipped a cup of bay leaf tea, while Daniel glared at her annoyingly and mumbled unintentionally to himself. He watched as Lileon sat down comfortably next to Orin asking questions, that she was glad to answer. A slight jealousy had formed in Daniel's heart. 'He needs to confess already. Lord, why hasn't he done it yet?' Soleil thought and shook her heard before whispering beside his ear, 'A man chases a woman until she catches him,' she said seriously with a hint of sarcasm as well.

Daniel pulled away and his eyebrows furrowed, 'Where did that saying come from, Milo?' He asked and the covetousness seems too disappeared. 'Your sessions from counselling teenagers at church?'

'Milo did counselling at the church? Wow,' she thought and laughed lightly before answering. 'Could be but I see the way you look at her, Daniel,' referring to their shop's accountant, Orin. 'Just to be safe, Lileon isn't interested in relationships neither is his twin brother, Landers. So don't occupy your brain with foolishness and go on with the courtship, man,' she snorted coolly like her brother would do.

Orin's laughter shifted his gaze toward her when he exhaled taking Soleil's advice, 'I will,' Daniel answered. 'Only God knows what can happen if we did commit to each other, seriously.'

'A little push for things to get into action won't hurt, you know,' Soleil responded and tapped his back gently and then took a seat opposite the four men: Charlie, Ricardo, Landers and Taehyung, who had been in conversation ever since and finally her grandfather cleared his throat as soon as he stepped into the kitchen.

'Everyone is settled?' Mr Noelle questioned and the replied was a solid yes. 'I have made a choice and that is to hire these three men,' gesturing with a hand, instantly, they stood up giving a brief introduction of themselves which awestruck them as incredible. Landers had told them of Lileon being his twin brother and went to Spain and finished his animation course, while the other studied engineering building customized vehicles. Taehyung persuaded them into believing that he worked in a seamstress shop before they all met on the construction site in London and befriended Milo, who was their assistant chief officer that liked to interact with everyone over a drink at a local pub. Most of what he said was partially true. 'Orin will be overlooking their task while they work along with you. Let's make the best of this season then I could afford to raise your salaries.'

All agreed and that was their dismissal. July showers had cleared up the sky, stripes of painted white clouds drifted away and the sun did its job enlightening the gloomy atmosphere with shimmering shines of optimism. Customers were approving and welcoming of their new employees as they were being served their desired pastries.

'What would you like this morning?' Landers asked and appeared to be polite to the young woman named, Lily, who is a realtor. She lifted her face from the menu and met his glance. Absolutely, enthralled by his presence she couldn't utter a word. 'Is there something on my cheek, Miss?' He questioned having no idea what is going on in the young woman's mind. 'Miss?'

It seems to be her first time coming to the pastry shop. Lily never thought of meeting her imaginary dream man here as she spoke, 'I'll have a cup of tea, please,' not being to precise on the order and thought, 'I should have been here earlier if I did know that the waiter was drop dead gorgeous and a gentleman,' she smiled timidly.

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