Chapter 14: Saint Lucia

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An announcement was made by the pilot indicating that they had

arrived within the island of Saint Lucia, safely. Flight attendants,

Anna and Jay escorted out all the passengers including the entire

pastry shop staff members and owner. Mr Noelle followed by Orin,

Daniel, Charlie, Ricardo, the twins: Landers, Lileon and then

Taehyung exited the aeroplane descending the attached staircase and

stepped firmly onto the ground embracing the luxurious island

aromas basically the sweet scented grass and the fresh Atlanta Ocean

breeze surrounding the white sandy beaches with palm trees. All eight

individuals proceeded to the Hewannora International Airport

entrance and went inside the building utterly impress by the

infrastructure, stores and cafes assemble in the airport to attract

foreigners as themselves. They stood in line and then went through

the security check system and then customs' officers search their

luggage and gave them the okay to go enter their island and each

person receive a Saint Lucia stamp sealed into their passports.

Afterward, they all head off into the waiting room occupied with

local citizens and tourists, some held up cardboard signs with love

ones or friends' names on it.

Taehyung interrupted their conversation among themselves and

announced, 'I called my friends and told them we'll be staying with

them for a few days for Carnival. They all agreed and we'll be arriving

here soon to give us a lift.'

'Do you see your friends, Taehyung?' Charlie asked.

Taehyung looked over through the crowd of locals and saw a

sign with his name and the twins' names were written on it too.

'Look over there!' he exclaimed as he pointed and then walked

toward the young people dressed casually.

'It must be them, then?' Orin questioned and walking alongside

Daniel, who helped her with her bag.

Lileon answered, 'I think so, I see they have Taehyung's name

written on the board big and bold.'

Taehyung smiled with a wave, 'Hello there,' he greeted and then

recognized a familiar face and realised it was his older sister, Maya

with his and Milo's longtime friends from the military training camp:

Jackson, Mark and Bianca, who was known as a party wild cat and

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